Moss Moor Summer Newsletter 2022

Moss Moor Summer 2022

It was lovely to welcome all girls back in April for some it was their first ‘normal’ summer term at Denstone.  The boarding house was full with all beds taken and a positive buzz about the place.  We welcomed a few new girls who swiftly settled and made friends.

The Summer term as always has been a busy one, with lots of extra curricula activities going on.  They have made full use of the lighter nights, going on runs, playing tennis and enjoying hanging out together.  Prior to half term a number of the Lower School girls performed brilliantly in the Lower School play Oliver which was performed to pupils and parents.

The Moss Moor girls certainly lead the way with the number of prizes awarded to their community, they lead by example, working hard, but then also playing hard too!  Huge congratulations to the girls who have been awarded prizes for all their hard work and efforts at this years Speech Day, they are: Hannah W, Charlotte B, Ellie R, Katie N, Milli F, Kitty W, Ella H, Beth S, Ella P, Sophie H, Tara W, Deena L, Emily D, Kivis, K and Kate H, many of these won more than one!  Congratulations also go to Olivia A, Emily D and Ella P on being awarded the Duke of Edinburgh Gold award, a fantastic achievement.

On the sporting front the girls have really enjoyed taking part in rounders, tennis, cricket and athletic fixtures.

Looking ahead to the Michaelmas term, it is exciting to see Charlotte J, Millie F, Kitty W and Ellie R all being given lead roles in the School Play, 9 to 5.   

Charity Moss Moor Water Bucket Challenge

We had great fun getting wet and raising money for three wonderful charities; AMMF the charity that supports research into cholangiocarcinoma cancer, BEAT who help support people with eating disorders and Kidney Research UK.  The girls got to throw buckets of water over tutors, Mr Jones, Miss Tulloch and most importantly they raised enough money to keep our beloved matron Susie dry!

End of term fun ....

Moss Moor U6th Afternoon Tea was a lovely occasion for a fabulous U6th to get together and reminisce about their time together at Denstone.  This was followed by the Moss Moor Dinner in the Dining Hall, the Catering team along with our U6th girls made the venue look beautiful for our dinner.  We had a delicious meal, Kivis gave a heartfelt leavers speech thanking her fellow pupils and all at Denstone for making her time here and that of everyone so special.

The end of term is not complete without a  musical event, the Moss Moor girls formed a significant part of the Concert in the Quad.  Well done to all involved.

House Captains…

Thank you to Kivis, who has lead by example, supported and guided those when needed, never been afraid to have her say and has encouraged all. We wish her well for her next chapter.  Good luck to Imogen, as incoming Captain.  Imogen joined Denstone in 1st Form is a great friend to many, has a wonderful calm manner and leads by example. She is very excited about taking on her role in September.

Thanks …

A huge thank you to our fabulous boarding staff who all contribute to making Moss Moor such a special and warm place.  To our amazing team of tutors – thank you for all the help and support you give to the girls and myself.  To the top team of cleaning ladies who all help to keep the houses sparkling.  Thank you for going above and beyond. Many thanks also to Sister Smith and the Medical Centre team, the Catering Staff;  Maintenance and Ground Staff teams… thanks for all that you do for us every day.

A Couple Requests for Parents ...

For urgent messages, please do use the Duty Mobile phone number (07974 008765) as it will then be guaranteed to go straight to the Tutor on duty and is held 24 hours a day.  For less urgent written communication, please email as the preferred communication tool and I will respond as quickly as possible.

 If you would like to request absence from school for your daughter, for any part of the school day, please do send me an email to: [email protected] 48 hours prior to the requested absence.

Please ensure pupils returning to school return by their house time, no later.

Uniform reminder from the Head

Girls in the Third Form and above have the option of either continuing to wear the long skirt or to wear the straight skirt; skirts must be a maximum of 2 inches above the knee. Alternatively, girls may wear trousers.  

Shoes (no boots or trainers) should be black (Sixth Form may wear brown) and kept clean. They should be suitable for walking around the College campus. 

Sixth Form girls may wear either a tailored dress suit, trouser suit or a skirt suit, skirts must be a maximum of 2 inches above the knee - no skirts of a stretchy material are permitted. Blouses should have a collar and sleeves in quiet colours or stripes but not highly patterned as their uniform. Sixth Formers are also permitted to wear a standard unbranded V-neck or round neck jumper. These jumpers must not be patterned and should be in quiet colours.  Sweat tops and cardigans are not allowed. 

Jewellery should be plain and not stand out. Pupils may wear a fine chain around the neck, a ring, and a plain stud in each ear lobe.  

Make-up should be discreet and only clear nail varnish is allowed, no acrylic nails or gel nail polish are permitted.  

Hair should be clean, neat and tidy and of a natural colour

Wishing you well

From all in Moss Moor have a fantastic Summer, we look forward to the girls returning next term. Best wishes to all Clare x

House Tutors

Mrs Xzena Hawksworth

Assistant Head of Moss Moor and teacher of Maths

Mrs Kathryn Watson

Moss Moor Tutor EAL Coordinator, teacher of French & Head of Higher Education

Mrs Josie Davis

Moss Moor Tutor Head of Business & Economics, Asst. Head of Lower School

Miss Ali Ormerod

Moss Moor Tutor and teacher of Design Technology

Miss Jade Potter

Moss Moor Tutor and teacher of Geography/Director of Netball

Mrs Suasanne Whitehouse

Moss Moor Tutor and Matron

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