The Prep Newsletter 02-12-2022
Newsletter - The Prep The Prep at Denstone College

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas this week at the Prep, as our beautiful Christmas tree was delivered. Thank you to the wonderful team at Denstone Hall Farm Shop for such a generous donation, and to the PTFA for organising. Prep 6 and Mrs Heron enjoyed decorating the Christmas tree, which has brought some glittery, festive glow to our Prep Assembly Hall. We are preparing to celebrate the festive season.

On Thursday, our students from Prep 2 up to Prep 6 enjoyed a trip to the New Vic Theatre in Newcastle-Under-Lyme, to watch Alice in Wonderland. The students were delighted by magic tricks and a truly entertaining performance. Thank you to Mrs Lea, for arranging a fabulous day.

There is so much to celebrate, and I do hope you are following our live social media channels to see the many and varied successes of our pupils.

Sports News

With U9 and U8 fixtures on Friday against Lichfield and U10 against Newcastle-under-Lyme, our last week of fixtures was another extremely busy one. 

Without doubt, we saw the highlight of our term on Wednesday. In prep school rugby, The Elms festival is our ‘World Cup’. All the schools who enter are excellent rugby schools and travel from Sheffield to Leicester to Nottingham and the competition is fierce. We have never reached the unofficial 'final' before but after winning games against Leicester Grammar School, Nottingham High School, The Elms and Birkdale 'B' we finished top of our group. We then went on to play the top school from the other group which was Ratcliffe College. In a tense, and fiercely competitive game, Oli scored two hugely impressive tries and we won when scoring in the dying seconds by two tries to one. The whole squad was magnificent throughout and the scenes of jubilation at the end were unforgettable. Felix was named Denstone's Player of the Festival with a simply brilliant eight tries. Against opposition of the highest quality, five matches and five wins!

Just a reminder that we will be holding a Prep Carol Service on Monday 5th December, from 8:50am to 9:20am in the Chapel. All parents are welcome to join us, we politely request parents to wait at the Lodge to be escorted down to the Chapel.

It is the Pre-Prep Nativity on Friday 9th December at 2.45pm in the Chapel.

Parents are also warmly invited to our end of term assembly celebrating pupil successes on Friday 16th December in Chapel from 0915. Refreshments will be available in the cricket pavilion from 0820. If parents could then make their way over to the Lodge by 0910 to be escorted down to chapel.

Friday 16th Dec is also Christmas Jumper Day and the day of our Christmas Hat competition.  Pre-Prep will make hats in school and Main Prep will make theirs at home with prizes for the winners.  At the end of the day all pupils should be collected at 1545, there will be no afterschool care or clubs.

Please note that Monday 9th January is a staff inset day and Prep pupils will return to school on Tuesday 10th January 2023.

Communications to be downloaded on Parent Portal: Lent Term Clubs Lists

Have a great weekend!

Head of the Prep

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