The Prep Newsletter 24-11-2023
The Prep at Denstone College

Week 12 Head of Prep Newsletter

Dear Parents and Guardians,

I hope this message finds you well as we end another bustling week at the Prep.

We started off the week with Prep 6 delivering a captivating assembly on Toilets and Victorian Sanitation. Their insights and presentations were both educational and engaging, setting a high bar for future class assemblies.  To mark the day, Prep 6 used money, kindly donated by the PTFA as part of last year’s Advent celebrations, to twin The Prep at Denstone College with a toilet in South Sudan.  This is a country in which over 75% of the population don't have access to adequate sanitation facilities.  By twining our toilets at The Prep, with the ever-generous support of the PTFA, we have funded a project in a community that will help families to build their own basic toilet, access clean water and learn about hygiene – a vital combination that saves lives.

A heartfelt thank you to our music staff for orchestrating a superb concert last night. The performances, particularly by our Prep pupils, were truly amazing. Your hard work and dedication shone through in every note.

In response to valuable feedback, we've tightened up our signing out procedures. All after-school clubs will now sign out pupils at 5pm, with the exception of the climbing wall club, which will conclude at 5:15pm. Please remember, if you need to speak with any staff member, please don't hesitate to contact us at school.

With the evenings getting darker, we have emphasised Road Safety this week. It's crucial that our children are visible and aware of their surroundings, ensuring their safety during these darker nights.

Also, a gentle reminder to ensure that hair is tied back and clear of pupil's eyes for both safety and hygiene reasons.

Please ensure all items of your child's kit and uniform are clearly labelled with their names. This helps in easily identifying and returning lost items to their rightful owners.

PTFA Cake and Book Sale

A big thank you to everyone involved in today's PTFA cake and book sale. Your contributions and participation make a significant difference in our community.

Carols by Candlelight - Sunday, 3 December

Join us for the Carols by Candlelight Service on Sunday, 3 December, starting at 6pm. The Chapel doors open at 5.15pm. As this is a popular event, seating is on a first-come-first-served basis. Post-service, we invite you to enjoy festive refreshments in the Dining Hall.

Prep Carol Service - Monday, 4 December

We are excited to host our own Carol Service on Monday, 4 December. Parents are warmly invited to this special event, please wait in the lodge at 8:40 am.

PTFA Christmas Fair – Tuesday 12 December

The PTFA will be holding their annual disco and Christmas fair on Tuesday, 12 December and would like to ask for your help to make it a really fun afternoon for the children. They are requesting donations of:

  • Filled and decorated jam jars. These can contain sweets, toys, hair bobbles etc. Empty jam jars are available to collect from Helen Heron if you don’t have any spare.
  • Good condition, clean, pre-loved, teddy bears.
  • Chocolate for the tombola stall. All sizes and shapes of chocolate bars welcome!

Pre-prep children will attend the disco during school hours and can be collected as normal from 3.45pm. The Pre-Prep Christmas fair will be held immediately after pick up at 3.45pm in the Prep Hall and we would ask that you accompany your child to the fair. Children staying in prep will be accompanied by a member of school staff.  Main prep children who have not been collected at 3.45pm will be taken by school staff to the Drill Hall for the Prep disco from 4-5pm. Their Christmas fair will follow from 5-5.30pm in the drill hall. Children can be collected directly from the Drill Hall, but please ensure that they are signed out by a teacher. Children who catch the main college buses will still be able to do so. All children should attend school in uniform and bring a change of clothes for the disco. The PTFA are really grateful for all of your support, especially at this busy time of year; without it, they would not be able to put on these events, which the children enjoy.

Thank you for your ongoing support and cooperation. Here's to another great week ahead!

Best wishes,





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