The Prep Newsletter 09-12-2022
The Prep at Denstone College

Once again, the pupils and staff have enjoyed another busy week at the Prep. We really seem to be racing headlong to Christmas with barely time to draw breath.

The busy festive period really started off on Sunday evening with Carols by Candlelight. I was so proud to see the Prep school choir sing “In the Bleak Midwinter” beautifully. I am constantly amazed at how quickly and seamlessly the Prep school has been integrated into the College, the choir thoroughly enjoyed their performance without the slightest indication of nerves in front of a packed audience.

The Prep choir performed again on Monday morning for the rest of Prep pupils, staff and parents. Their performances truly mark the beginning of the festive season at the Prep.  A huge thanks to all in the music department, Mrs Baker and parent helpers. We really couldn’t do it without you.

We are aware of increasing media coverage regarding Group A Streptococcus cases in schools. As ever, we will be continuing to ensure good hand hygiene is promoted at the Prep and we remain alert to any further government advice.

Afterschool Clubs

The afterschool club details for Main Prep and Pre-Prep were included as attachments in last week’s newsletter.  If your child would like to attend any of the clubs on offer please complete the online form/s by Monday 12 December.

Update to our Privacy Policy

We are updating our privacy policy to reflect our new procedures when it comes to photography. We want to ensure you have access to images of your children, highlighting their time at Denstone College and The Prep at Denstone College.

We will shortly be rolling out a password-protected gallery service which means you can download digital images of your children during plays, in concerts and on the sports field, as well as including some team photographs. You will also be able to purchase print images in a range of sizes and options.

Please note; if you have previously opted to not have your child's image used across school purposes, they will not feature on this platform. If you do not wish for your child to feature on this new service please let us know by contacting [email protected]

We will send out a communication in the coming weeks as to how the platform will work along with how you will be able to gain access.

Next week is the final week of the Michaelmas term, please note there will be no after school clubs during the last week, with the exception of Pre-Prep Dance on Thursday.

Monday marks the PTFA pupil disco and Christmas fair, pupils are asked to bring a change of clothes in a bag for the disco please. The Christmas fair is a chance to buy Christmas crafts that your child has made in school. There will also be a chocolate tombola, jam jars, and much more. 

After the disco, Pre-Prep parents should pick up from the Prep at the normal time and the Pre-Prep Christmas fair will take place in the assembly hall from 1545.   Any pupils not collected at this time may remain in after school care until 1800.  Parents of Main Prep pupils should pick up from the Drill Hall at 1700. The Christmas fair for Main Prep pupils will take place between 1700-1730 in the Drill Hall.  Pupils not collected at this time will be taken back to the Prep to be collected before 1800.

The PTFA raffle will be drawn in school in on Tuesday 13 December by the pupils.   The lucky winners will receive one of the fabulous hampers currently on display in the assembly hall, tickets are still available to buy from Mrs Heron.

Parents are warmly invited to our end of term assembly celebrating pupil successes, on Friday 16 December.  Please note that the venue for the assembly has changed to the Drill Hall, refreshments will be available from 0820 and the assembly will start at 0910.  If you are able to join us please contact Mrs Heron, by Wednesday 14 December, to give us an idea of numbers.

Fri 16 December is also Christmas Jumper Day; Christmas lunch and our Christmas Hat competition.  Pre-Prep will make hats in school and Main Prep will make theirs at home with prizes for the winners.  At the end of the day all pupils should be collected at 1545, there will be no afterschool care or clubs.  Pupils using coach transport will be escorted to coaches which will leave at 1630.

As you may have seen from the calendar, Monday 9 January is a staff inset day and Prep pupils will return to school on Tuesday 10 January 2023.

Save the Date: Denstone Film Premiere

Please do keep Thursday 12 January as a date in your diary. On this occasion we will be launching the new ‘Denstone Film’ which we hope beautifully summarises what it means to be educated in this remarkable place. We will be hosting as many guests as possible for drinks and canapes for our red-carpet event.  

Denstone Golf Club: Parental Membership

We are most fortunate to have a wonderful 9-hole golf course here on campus. The course is recognised by EGU. It is run independently of the College but membership for people associated with the College is encouraged and can be offered at an annual membership cost of £90. If you wish to become a member or wish to find out more about joining, please email [email protected]


Health and Safety Video

Please see link to our new H&S Induction video which we issue to our staff and contractors. Denstone College H&S Induction Video

We believe parents will find this useful when visiting our site.

Head of the Prep


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