Life in the Senior School


Although an education at Denstone is all-round, teaching and learning are at the heart of what we do, and the results are impressive. These results are achieved with a relatively broad intake of pupils into the College, a fact reflected in an excellent track record for outstanding value-added, as measured by Yellis (at GCSE) and ALIS (at A Level).

Denstone aims to prepare students for the world beyond school and part of this is helping them achieve high grades and develop a lifelong love of learning. All subjects are taught within specialist departmental areas providing first class facilities for pupils and staff; the recently completed Derbyshire classroom block is the most recent addition to the site, providing specialist accommodation for Mathematics and Modern Languages.

A fair and flexible setting system, relatively small set sizes, regular formal assessments of academic progress across all subjects and a highly qualified and committed teaching staff all play their part in the continuing academic success of our pupils.

Support for pupils with specific needs is provided through a thorough and highly effective pastoral system as well as tailored programmes such as that for potential Oxbridge applicants in our Sixth Form. Our learning support staff also work hard to provide appropriate support for those pupils who have specific learning needs.

In This Section


We aim to be recognised as, without question, one of the best value boarding and day schools in the country, and to provide for our pupils the best possible educational foundation for life.

Start your journey

Pupils' oral communication skills are excellent. They are confident and communicate fluently and logically in lessons, and in discussions and interviews.

ISI 2017 / 2018

Academic success requires high standards, and none less so than in the requirement to enter the full ‘A’ level programme in our Sixth Form, which currently stands at 14 points for pupils at Denstone and 16 points for pupils wishing to join the College in our Sixth Form (a C/4 at GCSE is 1 point, a B/6 is 2 points etc).

A significant number of Denstonians achieve top grades, but for others this is an entry target that spurs them on. What supports them in these efforts is an environment which applauds success, excellent teaching by committed subject specialists, and a level of academic and pastoral mentoring that genuinely cherishes the individual.