Denstone College Captain of School, Molly

Molly says ''Since joining Denstone in the First Form, I feel I have embraced being part of the community and have strived to be motivated by the school's core values: Achievement, Confidence and Happiness.

After succeeding in my GCSEs, I decided to continue with physics, chemistry and maths in the hope to study Chemical Engineering when I leave school. Alongside this, I am completing my grade 8 piano and enjoying playing the harp after doing my grade 8 a couple of years ago. I enjoy participating in all the sports the school offers, especially in the Summer Term playing tennis where we get to play other clubs, as well as friends and family too! I truly appreciate all the opportunities Denstone has given me to grow - not only academically but also as a person, and I am looking forward to a challenging but exciting final year at school''.

Head of House, Mr Green says ''Molly is one of her year’s top academic performers, a gifted musician and talented tennis player. She is hugely respected among staff and peers alike and is an outstanding role model for the younger years''.


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