Denstone College Captain of School, Matthew

Introducing our second Captain of School, Matthew.

Matthew says ''I study mathematics, further mathematics, physics and geography. My academic goal is to read engineering at university. My hobbies mainly consist of playing sports, whether that is cricket or golf in the summer or hockey in the winter. One of the main reasons I enjoy being at College is the time we get to play these sports. Another reason why I like Denstone is the friendly atmosphere it provides for all''.

Head of House, Mr Pearson says ''Matt embodies the Denstone ethos in everything he does and is a fantastic ambassador for the college. His positive attitude to academic study, sport and House activities make him a superb role model for younger pupils. He is always willing to give things a go and encourages others to do likewise. Matt has shown strong leadership qualities on the sports field and in his school life in general and he has earned the respect of his peers and staff alike. This will stand him in good stead as Captain of School''.

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