Introducing our Captain of Selwyn, Henry

Henry says '' I joined Denstone in Year 7 and I study C-tech IT, politics and drama.

When I leave Denstone I hope to get into a drama school or university to study acting which is a passion of mine. Denstone College has shaped me to become my own individual person and it has also allowed me to become part of the Crusaders rugby team. In my spare time, I enjoy playing the drums and I am a senior school boarder''.

Henry's Head of House Mr Pearson says ''Henry joined the college in 1st Form and is characterised by his enthusiasm and positive approach to all aspects of College life. Popular with pupils and staff alike Henry has a fantastic way of encouraging his peers to get involved and he always finds time to stop and make sure people are OK. His approachable demeanour will stand him in good stead as Selwyn House Captain as he leads the House through the next school year."

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