Denstone College Newsletter - 17-06-2022

17 June 2022

Newsletter from the Head – Week 8


Dear Parents and Guardians

Summer Uniform and blisteringly hot temperatures do not make for easy exam conditions, but for the remainder of our pupils it has made for a wonderful week here at Denstone College. We have been busy as always with Duke of Edinburgh expeditions in Derbyshire, Geography field trips to Cornwall, theatre trips to Stoke, a Rock and Pop concert, and tonight a Lower Sixth Parent Teacher meeting all above and beyond our usual activities here at College. Daily, our children continue to impress me with their fortitude of character and assemblies on Thursdays are one of the highlights of my week; a chance to truly celebrate success.

This week we have been visited by ISI for a Regulatory Compliance Inspection and I look forward to receiving their full report in due course; thank you to those parents who completed the questionnaire - your thoughts are most valued in their assessment of our provision. We have also been visited by the Good Schools' Guide for their annual review of the school. The way in which our pupils have interacted with these visitors and their palpable pride in the School is overwhelming at times; their pride is extraordinary and I thank them for their contributions. 

Speech Day

I am pleased to hear that a number of parents have already asked for seats at Speech Day. Please may I remind you that we will seat you as you arrive (first come, first served) and that there is no specific ticket allocation. However, we do need to know numbers of guests so that we can prepare seating in the Sports Hall.

Some parents who booked early may only have been able to obtain two seats. This was an admin error which has now been rectified to allow you to access a number of seats so that parents and other family members or friends can attend.

You will find the invitation on the Parent Portal.


Please refer to the ‘schools FAQ’ flyer on the parent site for information on ordering school uniform. The following link provides a ‘how to shop’ guide:  Please note that free delivery is available on items ordered between 4 and 17 July.

Communications Available on the Parent Portal

The following letters can be found on the Parent Portal by visiting

  • Schoolblazer - Schools FAQ
  • PSHE Provision and Withdrawal
  • Speeches and Prizegiving
  • GCSE and A Level Results
  • Fourth Form ‘An Inspector Calls’ Trip
  • Senior Rugby Preseason 2022

I very much look forward to seeing a number of parents here this weekend.

With kindest regards,


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