Denstone College Newsletter - 24-06-2022


Newsletter from the Head – Week 9


Dear Parents and Guardians

As we reach a much needed exeat, I reflect on the continued sense of camaraderie, spirit and enthusiasm as we hurtle towards the end-of-term. This time of the year brings cause for celebration, adventure and activity but also a magnificent opportunity to reflect. As our leavers say farewell and complete their final exams, they begin to recognise what an enormous impact this school has had on them and I trust they look back with pride. To those itching to leave, that is as it should be – eventually they grow out of school and if that itch turns to a frustration then our teachers have done a magnificent job in preparing them for the next step.

We are very excited to see so many of you on site in the remaining weeks with so many social, sporting and celebratory events to which you are invited. Please do read the contents of all communication carefully to ensure our myriad events are as seamless as possible.

Fifth Form Parents' Oxbridge Information Virtual Seminar – Reminder

This is a reminder that the above seminar will be taking place on Monday 27 June at 7.00pm via Teams.  If you are interested in attending, please email Dr Baker. For further information, please refer to the letter on the Parent Portal.

Concert in the Quad

On Thursday 7 July we will be hosting our annual 'Concert in the Quad' event. This concert showcases the College musical ensembles, and takes place in the Lonsdale Quad. We cordially invite parents to bring along a picnic and refreshments to enjoy a summer's evening of music.

The event will start at 7.00pm, and will be around an hour to an hour and a half long.

Touch Rugby Fundraiser

Please may I remind you of this event on Friday 1 July, after Speech Day and Prizegiving. Teams must be submitted as soon as possible and payment must be made in advance of the event. On the day there will be a cash bar for you to enjoy too. Please see the letter on the Parent Portal for all details.

Communications Available on the Parent Portal

The following letters can be found on the Parent Portal by visiting

  • Fifth Form Parents' Oxbridge Information Virtual Seminar – Reminder
  • New Zealand 2023 Sports Fundraiser Touch Rugby Tournament – Reminder
  • Moss Moor Dinner – Wednesday 6 July

Best wishes for a most relaxing exeat weekend.

Kind regards



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