The Prep Newsletter 24-06-2022

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Week 8 of the Summer Term has been yet another week full of successes for the Prep community. This week, I’ve particularly enjoyed listening to stories from Prep 6’s residential to Humphrey Head. Thanks are due to Mrs Lea, and to Prep 6 for the endless supply of cake donated to staff as a thank you gift- we’re slowly working our way through it! 

Work is coming along apace for Phase II developments on the Prep. The roof is currently being replaced, and contractors are now working further along upstairs. I can’t wait for everybody to see the developments!

I am pleased to report that the Summer Serenade on Thursday afternoon was a roaring success. This was the first Summer Serenade since we moved sites, and the contributions from the Prep were an absolute hit! Well done to all who took part.

This week, I have been interviewing for Teaching Assistant positions at the Prep. As our student body grows, so must our faculty, and I’m very excited to introduce new staff to enrich our community in September.

Looking ahead…

There’s a lot to look forward to next week, including moving up morning. If parent’s have any uniform that their son/daughter has grown out of, please could you drop it off at The Prep, so the PTFA can sell it in our uniform shop, which will be open during Monday morning, moving up morning.

There are pupil first aid workshops being held next week, thank you to Oliver Poole’s mum, Fiona for delivering this. College pupils will be paying a visit to teach some French to our Prep pupils next week as well. Prep 3 are being treated to a trip to Beeston castle, and we will be rounding off the week with Speech Day.

There will be no Prep Band or Junior Band 4-5pm on Monday 27 June and no Percussion Group on 30 June, but Show Choir 28 June and Chapel Choir 1 July will still be on.  Show Choir are performing at Prep Speeches and Prize Giving on Friday 1 July and Chapel Choir are performing on Friday 9th July in the Leavers Service.

Forward planning for Prep 6 parent’s, you are welcome to our Leaver’s service taking place in Chapel on Friday 8 July - 1030-1130.

Tracey Davies

Mrs Tracey Davies Head of Prep




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