Shrewsbury House Newsletter Summer 2022

Shrewsbury Highlights Summer 2022

  • The Shrewsbury Forth Form Social to the Escape Rooms (Stoke) and all managing to escape despite the challenge of having to use a door handle.
  • Charlie (L6th) holding his own in the Interhouse Question Time competition.
  • The House Dinner that every other House wanted to attend, to The Three Horseshoes (Leek); the food was excellent, and the dance floor was reminiscent of the mosh pit at Glastonbury.
  • The Second Form Social to Ninja Warrior (Stoke) where pupils were literally bouncing off the walls.
  • Shrewsbury dominating the cast of the Junior School Show, Oliver!
  • The 5th Form Social to Fast Lane Karting (Stoke) where Harry took the chequered flag.
  • Our Family Chapel Service & BBQ where, despite the driving rain, a record attendance and tag archery ensured a great evening.
  • Summer DofE awards for Leo (3rd), Sam (5th), Becca (5th), and Ella (U6th).
  • Appointment of our House Captain 2022/23, Kate.

Shrewsbury Prize Winners 2022

Upper Sixth

Biology (Tayleur) Charlie B

English Language Deena L

Further Mathematics (RHW Hinton) Matthew J

Music Ella P

Physics Matthew J

Religious Studies Amba M

Lower Sixth

English Language Kate N

Information Technology Billy M

Modern Languages Milli F

Music Milli F

Religious Studies Charlie B

5th Form

Computer Science Becca R

Design & Technology Harry F

Modern Languages Celeste L

Music Harry F

Junior School

3rd Form Effort Prize Molly G

Special Awards

Woodard Board Prize Charlie C

The Governors’ Prize Charlie B

A word from our House Captain 2021/22

I know I’m speaking on behalf of all the U6th Shrews when I say that being members of Shrewsbury House has been a very special part of our time at Denstone. We have greatly enjoyed not only the strong sense of community within the House, but also some fantastic social opportunities that have been on offer during our years here.

In November, the U6th were lucky enough to visit the German Christmas markets in Birmingham, considered one of the best house socials in the College. As well as this, it has been amazing to have summer barbecues back again this year. Even though the weather doesn’t always go in our favour, Mr Nye always ensures they are a great success. This year, the tag archery in the drill hall was definitely a huge hit with participants from first form to U6 all getting involved!

I would like to give a special mention to Ella, Deena and Charlie who have been a huge help to the House this year as our Music and Sports Captains. As Music Captain for the House, Ella played a big part in our achievement of 3rd place in Combat Carols, a competition we always succeed in. Additionally, I would like to mention the award we won for being the ‘Most Creative House.’ As each house member was asked to contribute to this competition, it shows that teamwork in Shrewsbury certainly goes a long way, and this is something everyone in the House should be extremely proud of.

I am very grateful to have had the opportunity to be the captain of such a fantastic house, and I wish Kate the best of luck in fulfilling this exciting role next year. It really has been a pleasure to take on this responsibility and I know that Shrewsbury will continue to go from strength to strength over the coming years.

Last but certainly not least, thank you to all the tutors in Shrewsbury House. In particular, the U6th would like to thank Mr Bell, Mr Francis, and Dr Baker for all the encouragement they gave us during our university applications this year. And of course, on behalf of everyone in Shrewsbury, a massive thank you to Mr Nye, for being such a supportive Head of House, and for continuing to bring the best out of the Mighty Shrews! (Amba M, House Captain 2021/22)

Dates for your Diary

Michaelmas 2022

Tuesday 27th September - L6th Trip to Anoki (Burton).

Thursday 29th September - 1st Form Bowling (Uttoxeter).

Tuesday 11th October - 2nd & 3rd Form Ninja Warrior (Stoke).

Friday 18th November - U6th to Birmingham Christmas Markets.

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