Denstone Rugby 1st XV in Cookery Masterclass
Workshops & Seminars

Nine members of the 1st XV had a wonderful evening cooking up a storm at Seasoned Cookery School.

Those involved discovered hidden talents they never knew they had and cooked up a feast for their parents and other invited guests at seasoned courses. In just a few short hours the 1st XV prepared a three course meal learning essential skills such as knife skills and food hygiene as well as a super opportunity to work as a team off the pitch. 

The menu for the evening included a spicy butternut squash soup, freshly made soda bread, pasta with a fresh pesto & pan fried salmon, finishing off with chocolate fondants. Diners were served in the private dining room, candlelit for the evening! The 1st XV not only cooked the food under the guidance of the Seasoned chef but they served and helped with the washing up. 

Recipes for the evening can be found here on Seasoned Cookery School website.

Not only did parents have a super evening, the fist XV did themselves proud. The Seasoned team commented how diligent and hard working the boys are and it was great to see them working as a team off the pitch.  

At the end of the evening the parents did a whip round to raise funds for Children in Need, raising £185 on the evening. A fantastic achievement for the team. 

More team building events are planned and we look forward to a fruitful relationship between Denstone and Seasoned Cookery School in the future.

Please contact the team on [email protected] or 01283 711681 for more information about anything that Seasoned Cookery School offer. 


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