The Heads Newsletter


Dear Parents and Guardians

The end of term is upon us and what a year it has been! Thank you all for your support, continued encouragement and the biggest gift of all: entrusting us with the education of your sons and daughters. The year has been quite extraordinary and there is so much to celebrate. This week has provided so many occasions for real celebration and I am so fortunate to be surrounded by so many talented individuals. We shall go in to this holiday happily exhausted!

We wish our leavers all the very best in their future endeavours and look forward to reporting on their successes over the Summer months. And although the term has ended, the College will not fall silent as we prepare for the new term and much of this will be communicated over the next two months.

In the meantime, I wish all our families a wonderful Summer break. Time to be together, to relax and recharge the batteries knowing that so much has been achieved this year.


Sports Finals

We look forward to welcoming parents and pupils to the College for our annual Sports Finals event on Saturday.  Parking for this event is in the designated end of term event parking areas which will be indicated as you arrive on site.


Leavers’ Ball – Saturday 6 July

We are looking forward to seeing our Upper Sixth leavers and their parents on Saturday at the Doubletree Hilton, Stoke. Just a reminder that this is a Black-Tie event and commences at 7pm. As you enter the venue, there will be a table plan for you all to see which table you have been allocated.



 Please note that from 1st-14th July there is free P&P for UK addresses, whilst stocks last.


Summer End of Term Grades and Comments

End of term reports, grades and comments will be available on Parent Portal for viewing from Thursday 11 July. These can be found by logging into your usual Parent Portal account and clicking on your child’s name followed by ‘school reports’. 


Summer Term Sports Team Photographs

The Summer term sports photographs are now available to view and order.  Please see the Parent Portal for more information.


Annual Medical Update

Please could all parents complete the Annual Medical Update form which can be accessed via the letter on the Parent Portal.


Home to School Transport 2024-25

Thank you to those families who have booked on for the 2024-25 academic year and for those who have been in touch with Transport. With the introduction of zonal pricing and a retendering of services from our providers, we are able to bring a much more efficient service to most of our community. If you previously have not considered using the bus routes, do please take a moment to read the brochure in the link below. In addition to the change in prices, we are also offering a service to and from Knutsford (subject to demand) and we hope some of our weekly and flexi-boarders may benefit from this additional route.

Before completing the form, please do study the brochure carefully – some changes are quite subtle! The timings in the brochure are indicative at this stage and will be reconfirmed before the start of the new academic year (we would imagine any changes to be very small adjustments, dependent upon the numbers of children joining different stops). Please note that our bus routes can be very popular and we can only provide the right service if returns are made in a timely fashion; to that end, please note the deadline of Tuesday 9 July to confirm your wishes.

If anyone has any questions, please do not hesitate to email.

Home to School Transport Brochure

Booking Form


Michaelmas Term 2024 Calendar

The online calendar for Michaelmas Term 2024 will be published over the weekend through the College website. The calendar can and does sometimes change to a certain extent over the course of the term, so please do keep a close eye on it during the term.


Parkrun House Competition

The competition will remain open all Summer so please do don your trainers and head out to your local parkrun. At present, Selwyn have taken a narrow lead from Philips with Heywood in hot pursuit…but with endless Saturdays ahead, there is all to play for.

Remember to log your runs by emailing us.


Holiday Communication

Please do endeavour to allow our staff to have a rest this holiday. Any urgent communication can be emailed to us.


Our Bank Details Remain Unchanged

Leavers’ bills and Michaelmas invoices will be issued over the Summer break. Our bank details remain the same. Please be vigilant regarding rogue emails about changes and discounts.


Evolve Trips

Please note that the following trip has been launched on Evolve:

4th Form BBQ 4 September 2024


Communications Available on the Parent Portal

The following letters can be found on the Parent Portal.

  • Annual Medical Update Form – All pupils
  • Return2Play Head Injury and Concussion Cover – Letter and Information Document
  • Uniform Letter – Current Fifth Form
  • Information for Parents, English Reading, holiday work and Setting
  • Senior, Middle and Lower School Reading Lists
  • Summer Term Sports Team Photographs

With kindest regards,





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