The Prep Newsletter 16-9-2022
Newsletter - The Prep The Prep at Denstone College

The theme for this week has been setting goals for the year. Whilst New Years' resolutions are traditionally set in January, we at TPDC believe in setting New Academic Years' resolutions too. Pupils have been setting themselves goals during their PSHE lessons, which they will then share with our community. I can't wait to hear all about them!

It was lovely to see students showing their parents around their learning environments with such pride this week. As always, it was a pleasure to catch up with so many parents, and also to meet parents of many new starters. 

As a community, we have collectively mourned the tragic loss of HRH Queen Elizabeth II. I would like to thank all of the parents who attended our chapel service to commemorate the late Queen's extraordinary life. I would also like to extend my gratitude to Rev. Darren, who did a fantastic job of marking such a monumental and poignant moment in all of our lives. Our pupils took part in a candle lighting ceremony to honour the late Queen's memory, and I have been so impressed by their maturity and compassion during this difficult period of mourning. As announced last week, the school will remain closed to pupils on Monday 19 September to allow families to come together at this time. We look forward to resuming a normal school routine from Tuesday 20 September.

House Captains were voted in and announced this week, the Heads of Houses are all looking forward to hearing about their ideas and proposals:


Oaks: Felicity and Niharika 

Beeches: Edward and Jerry 

Cedars: Daniel and Harry


Credit totals for this academic year currently stand as follows:


Oaks: 108

Beeches: 91

Cedars: 85


I would also like to gently remind all parents to label any and all uniform. Whether it be shoes, socks, ties or shirts, label the lot!


Sport News from Mr Bettaney :-


On Tuesday 20 September we are hosting our first fixtures of the academic year for Prep 5 & 6. Derby High School are bringing two teams and we will have one hockey and one tag rugby fixture (DHS only play tag rugby).



We intend for every rugby match to be played on the Prep pitches this term. These are located on the pitches behind the running track (there is a hedge, so they aren't immediately visible). All hockey fixtures are hopefully being held on Addies Astro (turn right at the end of the drive before Tookey's building). There is parking for Addies beside the astro and for the rugby you can park on the swimming pool car park.


Match teas:

All pupils are expected to attend match teas. These are generally scheduled for 3.10pm so pupils can be collected at the normal time from The Prep. Pupils will need to change out of their match kits at The Prep and change back into their school uniform. Pupils are expected to wear their 'smart' tracksuits inside the dining hall. 


New fixtures/SOCS:

New fixtures are currently being added for rugby and hockey. There are a lot of moving parts when organising fixtures including staffing, catering, grounds, pitch availability and transport. We will endeavour to only put fixtures on Socs when we are 100% sure everything is in place therefore, we request parents and pupils are patient as we have had a change of staff from last year. Team lists will be placed on the notice boards inside the changing rooms for pupils. These will be available for parents to view on Socs.

Marketing Video

Next week, a film crew will be on site. Can I please ask that all pupils come to school looking their best, with clean, neat uniform and polished shoes, especially on Thursday.


Open Morning Sat 1 October

Prep 5 will be acting as guides in the Prep from 1030-1200. Reception, Prep 1, 2, 3 and 4 need to be present from 1100-1200 please. Everyone needs to wear smart school uniform. Prep 4 will be having an outdoor lesson, so please leave wellies, waterproofs in school on Friday.


Coffee Afternoon

Pupils warmly invite parents, guardians and friends to a Macmillan Coffee Afternoon on Friday 23 September at 2.30- 3.30pm.  As we are a nut-free school, please can you ensure that donated cakes are 'shop-bought' and have a visible ingredients list. The PTFA will also be opening the uniform shop.


Prep 4 Trip – Blists Hill

A reminder that the Prep 4 trip to Blists Hill Ironbridge will take place on Wednesday 12 October, a letter with further details will follow shortly.


Home Clothes Day

This falls on Friday 23 September and it is an exeat at the College. Please bring in a £2 donation – all funds raised go to individual house charities this year. Charities as yet to be decided upon by pupils. 


Pre-Prep 2 Trip to Tutbury Castle - 7 November - please check the Parent Portal for a letter regarding this trip.


Best wishes,

Tracey Davies
Head of the Prep

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