The Prep Newsletter 07-10-2022
The Prep at Denstone College Newsletter - The Prep

Dear Parents/Guardians

I would like to start this week’s newsletter with a huge “thank you” to all of our pupils, particularly our Prep 5 guides, for their impeccable behaviour at Open Morning last Saturday. Our visitors were very complimentary of our pupils, and the guides did a fantastic job; I could not be prouder. Thanks are also due to our fantastic parents for the drop-offs and pick-ups, as well as for ensuring that all pupils looked smart and presentable. 

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the PTFA for funding our recent additions of plants to every classroom, and 100 kg of daffodils. Every class will be helping to plant these in our grounds over the next few weeks. Plants make the world a prettier, happier, and healthier place. We look forward to seeing the springtime display.

Miss Tulloch and I attended a Heads’ Conference in Edinburgh this week. We had an enlightening time, listening to educational speakers. We have both come back with our heads bursting full of new ideas, which we can’t wait to put to work in our school community. 

I am pleased to report that the swimming pool will be back in use after half term, once it is fixed. 

Cupcake Friday

The PTFA will be holding a cupcake sale outside The Prep from 3.45pm on Friday 14th October, the last day of this half term. They would be really grateful for donations of shop bought, nut-free cakes. These can be dropped off with Helen Heron on the Friday morning. There will be an opportunity for children staying in prep or attending clubs to purchase a cake beforehand, so please send them in with some money if you wish. All funds raised will go towards the PTFA, who fund some of the nice ‘extras’ at school such as the Christmas disco so your support is really appreciated.

Pre-Prep Harvest Festival Reminders

  • It is Pre-Prep Harvest assembly on Tuesday 11th October. Pre-Prep parents can meet in the Lodge from 8.30am.  
  • Please can Pre-Prep children wear smart shirt, tie and blazer for the Harvest assembly on Tuesday.
  • Children to bring in their Harvest contributions on Monday 10th October.

Sports News

On Tuesday we saw 124 children playing sport in a triangular fixture against Yarlet and Lichfield Cathedral School. The dining room had every table filled by pupils or parents - it really was a great sight after a fantastic afternoon of sport. We were so unfortunate with the weather last Friday, but our brave Prep 3 and Prep 4 pupils showed enormous resilience and we are so thankful to our catering department who managed to warm us all up with some lovely hot match teas. Typically, it had stopped raining within 45 minutes of finishing the match! 

Fixtures next week include home hockey matches against Newcastle-under-Lyme for Prep 5 and Prep 6 on Addies Astro. Prep 5 girls have a hockey tournament at The Elms on Wednesday. Prep 6 boys will play their first contact rugby match against Derby Grammar. Please note that for this fixture it will be held at Rykneld Sports Centre and not at their school. Please check Socs for details.

Mr Bettaney

Dates for the diary 

  • Monday 10th October: Form Rep Meeting at 0830
  • Tuesday 11th October: Pre-Prep Harvest Festival at 0845
  • Tuesday 11th October: Parents Evening - Parents, remember to sign up! 
  • Wednesday 12th October: The Blists Hill Trip leaves early and Prep 4 children need to be in school by 0815
  • Friday 14th October: Non-uniform day to raise funds for the Air Ambulance
  • Friday 14th October: Break up for half term. There will be no clubs, but Prep will be open until 6pm as usual

Have a great weekend,

Head of Prep

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