The Prep Newsletter 13-09-2024
Newsletter - The Prep

Newsletter from the Head of The Prep – Week 2

Dear Parents and Guardians,

As we wrap up the second week of the new school year, I am delighted to share with you the highlights and successes that have defined our week at The Prep. Our students have truly embraced the return to school, and it has been wonderful to see their enthusiasm and growth.

Outdoor Adventure at Tittesworth Reservoir

This week, our Prep 4, 5, and 6 students had the opportunity to embark on exciting outdoor adventure trips to Tittesworth Reservoir. The experiences were nothing short of fantastic, with children eagerly participating in a variety of activities designed to foster teamwork, resilience, and a love for the great outdoors. Their energy and enthusiasm were infectious, and teachers were heartened to witness their growth as they supported each other throughout the trip.

Embracing ‘Ready, Respectful, Safe’

We continue to focus on embedding our core values of being Ready, Respectful, and Safe in our daily routines. It is inspiring to see how these principles are becoming second nature to our students. Our playground and classroom environments are reflecting these values, with students demonstrating kindness, responsibility, and a positive attitude towards their learning and interactions.

I am thrilled to report that many of our students have earned paper chain links for their exemplary behaviour during break times. These links are a visible and tangible way to celebrate their efforts towards our behaviour expectations and their commitment to working well as a team. It is a joy to see our children taking pride in their actions and supporting one another.  Links are added to a paper chain in the hall, and when the chain runs the whole way around the hall children will be awarded some extra playtime.

In addition, it has been truly wonderful to see the creativity and effort in the children’s work this week. Their work has been impressive, reflecting their dedication and enthusiasm for learning. I have awarded our “Show-Up” stickers to a number students who consistently demonstrate great effort and a positive attitude in their work. These stickers are a small token of our appreciation for their hard work and commitment.

PTFA Meeting – 17 September

The PTFA are holding their next meeting on Tuesday 17 September at 0830 at Denstone Hall Farm Shop. They are a small, but very friendly group who would love to welcome new volunteers. They would be grateful for any form of help, whether that be suggesting new ideas, organising events or just coming along for an hour or two to help out during events. If you would like to help, but are unable to attend the meeting, please ask Helen Heron to put you in touch with one of the members. There is an information leaflet explaining what the PTFA do published on the parent portal this week.

Prep 3 Visit to Treak Cliff Cavern – 18 September

On Wednesday, Prep 3 will be going on their first trip out to visit Treak Cliff Cavern, in order to support their science topic of Rocks & Soils. Please could parents check their emails to ensure that their child is registered and suitably equipped for a wonderful day outside in the beautiful Derbyshire countryside.

Afterschool Clubs

Please note that there will be no afterschool clubs on Thursday 19 September (with the exception of Swim Squad which will go ahead), or Friday 20 September due to the Informal Meet and Greet and Exeat weekend.  Prep will be available until 1800 as usual on both of these days.  For parents of new starters, please be aware that school coaches leave early at 1630 on the Friday of Exeat weekends.

Informal Meet & Greet – 19 September

You are warmly invited to join us for our Prep Meet and Greet on Thursday 19 September at 1600-1630. This is a chance for your child to show you their classroom and introduce you to their new teacher.

Non-uniform Day – 20 September

Friday 20 September is a non-uniform day for our House charities. Pupils are encouraged to bring a voluntary donation and wear home clothes for the day.

PTFA Cupcake Friday – 20 September

The PTFA are holding a ‘Cupcake Friday’ on 20 September at 1545. They would like to ask for donations of nut free, shop-bought cakes to be dropped off with Helen Heron on the Friday morning. Parent, students and siblings are all welcome to attend! Pupils staying behind in after-school care will have the opportunity to purchase a cake, so please send them in with £1.

European Day of Languages – 26 September

We will be celebrating the day with quizzes and activities in form groups and running an EDL poster competition. Competition submissions can be as creative and artistic as you would like and could include European landmarks, flags, your travel experiences, food/culture/costumes/customs & traditions and/or a message in a European language.  All children are welcome to hand in submissions by Thursday 26th September to Mr Bowden and there will be prizes for the best entries.

Open Morning – 28 September

Our whole school Open Morning is on 28 September. Prep 6 pupils will have the opportunity to act as guides for our visitors. Prep 6 pupils will be in school from 1045 -1230, while the rest of the Prep children will be in school from 1100 - 1230. Full school uniform is required unless specified by form teachers. If your child is unable to support our Open Morning please let Helen Heron, [email protected] know as soon as possible. Just a reminder that the Open Morning is for prospective families visiting the college for the first time.  If any of our Prep families would like a tour of the college please contact Juliette Sheldon, [email protected] who will be happy to arrange this.

Polite Reminder

Our pupils go outside whatever the weather, so please ensure they have wellies and waterproofs in school at all times.

Registration for College 2025 Entry

Although term is only just underway, we are already preparing for our 2025 intake of new pupils; the Assessment Days for entry to the school are scheduled for November. If you have other children who are considering joining Denstone in September 2025 and have not yet registered, please use this link to secure their place on the Assessment Day:


We are delighted to be working in partnership with Return2Play, injury management and concussion specialists.   There is growing concern over head injuries in sport and this allows us to support our pupils and you as parents, particularly in the hours and days following the incident.  To ensure your child has full access to this invaluable service, please ensure you have registered for your parent account. Further information and instructions on how to do this can be found in the Return2Play letter via the Parent Portal.

Dates for your diary

  • 27 September – MacMillan Coffee Afternoon at The Prep, 14.30-15.30 hosted by Prep 5.
  • 4 October – Exeat Weekend

Thank you for your ongoing support and cooperation. Together, we are laying a strong foundation for a successful school year.

Wishing you a pleasant and restful weekend.

Warm regards,

Liz Scott

The following attachments can be found on the Parent Portal by visiting 

  • PTFA Information Leaflet
  • Return2Play Letter

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