The Prep Newsletter 8-03-2024
Newsletter - The Prep

Lent Term Week 9 Head of Prep Newsletter

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Another bustling week has flown by here at the Prep, filled with enriching activities for our pupils. Here is a recap of what has been happening and what is on the horizon.

Mother's Day Service

Our heartfelt thanks to the Pre-Prep pupils and staff for leading a truly wonderful Mother's Day service. It was indeed a special occasion cherished by all.


Despite a packed schedule this week, we managed to squeeze in fixtures and even hosted our very own Denstone netball tournament today. It has been a week of teamwork, and my thanks go out to our sports staff.

Pupil Parliament

Exciting times as our Pupil Parliament members were elected by their peers. Their first meeting with Mrs Emmerson-Friend, Miss Tulloch, and the college captains and vice-captains took place, paving the way for future collaborations.

World Book Day Celebration

The college students delighted our pupils with a performance of "The Gruffalo" in celebration of World Book Day. It was a magical experience fostering a love for literature. Thanks also to Mrs Lea for organising a brilliant day, that put reading at the heart of our celebrations.  We received an amazing array of wooden spoon designs which created a real buzz around school.  Dr Ireland had the difficult task of judging and the winners will be announced in assembly next Wednesday.

Harry Potter Sleepover

Last week, Prep 5 pupils enjoyed a magical Harry Potter sleepover, thanks to the dedication of our boarding staff and Mrs Emmerson Friend. It was a truly enchanting experience that brought the world of Hogwarts to the College. A big thank you to all involved for making it such a memorable event. 

Prep 6 Dodgeball Sleepover

Prep 6 pupils had a blast at their dodgeball sleepover, creating lasting memories with their peers.

Looking ahead, Teatime Concert

Tuesday's Teatime concert begins with welcome drinks from 1600 in the main entrance to the Prep School.  The concert will begin at 1615 and is due to last about 45 minutes.  This concert will have performers from Prep 4 to Prep 6.  After-school clubs will continue as usual on this afternoon.  Please note the following instructions for pupil pick up. From 1545 until 1715, due to the main entrance being used for the concert, if you are picking up your child from Reception to Pre-Prep 2 please use your usual morning drop off entrance only (Left hand side of the school).  If you are picking up from Prep 3 to Prep 6 then please use the right-hand entrance to the school.  Please do not use the main doorbell at this time so as not to disturb the concert.  There will be sixth form students on duty to guide you to the relevant places during this time.

Prep 3&4 Sleepover

Prep 3&4 pupils can anticipate an exciting sleepover on Thursday 14 March. It promises to be a night of fun and camaraderie. We are planning a bench ball, bottle ball and bucket ball championship, if your child would like to be involved please see the details on Evolve.

New Sept 2024 Reception Class Easter Egg Hunt: 20 March 2024

Come and join us for our Reception Easter Fun Day on 20 March from 1415 till 1530. There will be an Easter Bonnet Parade (bring your own Easter bonnet), Easter Egg hunt and a chance to play in our play area. This will also be an opportunity to visit our Reception teacher and classroom. Booking is advised as numbers are limited, please email [email protected] to secure your spot. To find out more about our Pre-Prep department please visit

Stay & Play

From 19 April until 21 June, we will be offering Stay & Play every Friday for those considering Reception in September 2024. Why not book in for our Stay & Play sessions to experience The Prep at Denstone College. Book your FREE place by email [email protected].

House Photographs

Proofs of the recent Prep/House photographs will be sent home with pupils next week.  Parents can order photos direct from Gilman and Soame using the details provided on the proof card.

Parent Evening

Don't forget to book your slots for the upcoming parent evening. It's a valuable opportunity to discuss your child's progress and achievements.  Parents' Evening is on Thursday 21 March in the Drill Hall from 1600 until 1845.  Appointments will be available to book from Monday 11 March at . Log on details are the contact email you have provided to school, your child's name and date of birth.  If you have any problems booking appointments, please let Mrs Scott know ([email protected]).

Summer Term After School Clubs

You will soon receive an invitation from Evolve for Summer Term after school clubs.  For information, please find attached the after school clubs list for Pre-Prep and Main Prep.

Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events.




The following attachments can be found on the Parent Portal by visiting

  • Main Prep Clubs list
  • Pre-Prep Clubs list

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