The Prep Newsletter 14-06-2024
Newsletter - The Prep

Summer Term Week 9 Head of Prep Newsletter

Dear Parents

As the head of the Prep School, I'm currently visiting our pupils on their residential trips this week, so this newsletter will be relatively short. However, I wanted to ensure you are all updated on our busy and exciting week.

Monday Assembly We started off the week with a captivating Prep 4 assembly centred around the story of Jonah and the Whale. This assembly also carried an important environmental message: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. It's a timely reminder for all of us to do our part in protecting our planet.

Local Walks

This week Reception and Prep 1 had a delightful local walk, which included an ice cream treat and a picnic lunch. Meanwhile, Prep 2, 3 and 4 ventured out to Dovedale, enjoying the beautiful scenery and the great outdoors.

Residential Trips

Our residential trips have been a highlight for many. Prep 3 and 4 enjoyed their stay at Ilam, Prep 5 visited Cromford, and Prep 6 explored Buxton. These trips provide invaluable experiences for our pupils, and we extend our heartfelt thanks to the dedicated staff who organise and accompany the children.

Music Exams and Teatime Concert

On Monday 17 June there will ABRSM exams all day. Your child will know if they are taking an exam and should have been working towards this. Please remember your instrument and music. A member of staff will accompany your child from the Prep School to the Senior Music School where the exams will take place. Any problems on the day due to illness please let Mrs Heron know or email Mrs John. Good luck everyone!

On Tuesday 18 June we hold our final Teatime Concert of the year. You will be informed if your child is taking part prior to the concert. It will be held in the Prep Assembly Hall with welcome drinks from 1600. The concert will begin at 1615 and should last no longer than an hour.  After school clubs will still take place. Please collect your child from the right-hand side of the building if they are in Prep 3-6 and the left hand side of the building if they are in Pre-Prep. There will also be sixth formers to guide you to the right place.

Sport Photographs

On Monday, 17 June, we will be taking team photos. Please ensure your Prep 3-6 pupils have clean cricket whites. If they do not have cricket whites, could wear their clean games kit.

JCB Machine of the future

In view of this weeks’ Residentials, we have extended the deadline of the above competition until Monday 17 June.  Entries should be handed in to form teachers.

Parental Consultation: Culture of Behaviour

We are constantly reviewing our approach to behaviour management in school and are keen to gain the views of parents. This could be a reflection of personal experience, your experiences as a parent or indeed your professional thoughts. With this in mind, we would like to invite interested parents to a 'Round Table Discussion' on Thursday 20 June from 1600 - 1700.  The discussion will take place in The Prep art room and will be led by Mrs Scott.  The session is not aimed to be a question-and-answer session, but an opportunity to gather information.  We will also be meeting with groups of children over the next few weeks to discuss their views.  If you would like to take part, please email [email protected].

Exeat – 21 June

As this is the final Exeat of the academic year pupils are allowed to wear own clothes of their choice.  There will be a collection box for each House charity and pupils are encouraged to donate to the charity of their choice. As mentioned in our previous newsletter, School will close at 1630, please make sure to arrange timely pickups.

Important Reminders

  • Family Day - We look forward to welcoming our guests on Thursday 20 June 1415-1530.  A letter from Mrs Clews with further details has been sent out today.  Please speak to Pre-Prep staff if you have any questions.
  • There will be an informal coffee afternoon for parents of Prep 3 and 4 on Monday17 June from 1600-1700 at the Head's house. We hope to see you there for a friendly chat and some refreshments.
  • All parents are warmly invited to join us for our Annual Speech Day and Prep 6 Prize Giving on Friday 5 July. Please contact Helen Heron to confirm your place.

Thank you for your continued support and involvement in our Prep community. Here's to another fantastic week ahead!

Warm regards,


Tracey Davies


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