The Prep Newsletter 26-04-2024
Newsletter - The Prep

Summer Term Week 2 Head of Prep Newsletter

Dear Parents and Guardians,

We've had another vibrant week here at The Prep, filled with exciting opportunities for our pupils. After school clubs started off with enthusiasm this week, offering a diverse range of activities from golf to quiz club to rambling – truly something for everyone.  A special highlight was the Wellbeing Day for Prep 5&6 on Wednesday, which included a first aid workshop. Huge thanks to Fiona, Oli's mum in Prep 6, for providing this invaluable experience for our children.

In other news, Prep 3&4 had a splashing good time at their long-awaited pool party, thanks to the boarding staff for making it a memorable event.

Looking ahead to next week:

  • Prep 5 Chapel assembly on Monday, 29 April. You are warmly invited to join us for Prep 5 assembly in the chapel from 0840. Please meet in the lodge at 0830 to be escorted to chapel.
  • Also Prep 3&4 House swimming gala on Monday afternoon. Parents are encouraged to come and cheer on our swimmers. The gala is due to start at 1400 and the doors will open for parents from 1345. The gala should finish by 1515 so parents will be able to collect their child from The Prep at the normal sign out time once they are changed.
  • Non-uniform day and exeat next Friday 3 May.  The theme for the day is colours of the rainbow and we will be collecting donations for Beeches chosen charity, Rainbows Hospice.  There will be no afterschool clubs and school buses will leave at the earlier time of 1630.  Prep will remain open until 1800 as usual.

•           New Reception pupils for September 24 Stay and Play session Friday afternoon.

Additionally, please mark your calendar for the following online residential parent information evenings with Mrs Emmerson Friend, all meetings starting at 1930.  Prep 3 on 7 May, Prep 4 on 8 May, Prep 5 on 9 May and Prep 6 on 10 May. The meetings will be on teams and you will be sent a link prior to the sessions. These sessions will be recorded, so you won't miss out if you're unable to attend live.

Contact Details

A quick reminder for parents to ensure that the school has the correct contact information regarding your child, most importantly up to date contact numbers, medical conditions and pupils' doctors' details.

Save The Date – Update for Parents

Head, Lotte Tulloch, will be delivering a presentation to all interested parents on Tuesday 25 June 1900. The title of this presentation is ‘Denstone - The Road Ahead’ and will be an opportunity to hear about the plans for the College and to ask any relevant questions. This will be hosted in the School Room and will also be available online for those unable to physically attend. Chair of Governors, Professor Nigel Ratcliffe, will also be in attendance.

College Road Junction

Please may I respectfully ask all parents to take note of the 'stop' sign at the end of the driveway to the College. We have been alerted to a number of near misses between drivers coming out of the College and residents continuing up the lane to Hollis Road. It is a quiet street, but vehicles do still use this road and I ask all drivers to take particular caution when turning right out of the College.

Finally, don't forget about our Open Morning on 18 May, where Prep 6 pupils will have the opportunity to act as guides for our visitors. Prep 6 pupils will be in school from 1045 -1230, while the rest of the Prep children will be in school from 1100 - 1230. Full school uniform is required unless specified by form teachers. If your child is unable to support our Open Morning please let Helen Heron [email protected] know as soon as possible. Just a reminder that the Open Morning is for prospective families visiting the college for the first time.  If any of our Prep families would like a tour of the college please contact Juliette Sheldon in Admissions [email protected] who will be happy to arrange this.

Thank you for your ongoing support, and here's to another fantastic week ahead.

Warm regards,

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