The Prep Newsletter 24-05-2024
Newsletter - The Prep

Summer Term Week 8 Head of Prep Newsletter

Dear Parents

Another busy week at the Prep, filled with a myriad of opportunities and experiences for our pupils. This week, our Prep 6 pupils participated in wellbeing workshops, where they engaged in various activities concerning moving onto the next stage in education at the College. Some of our Prep 6 pupils also participated in a swimming gala, showcasing their swimming skills in a series of thrilling races.

The Prep 4 Woodland Workshop, funded by the PTFA, was exciting for Prep 4 pupils as they will contribute to the wooden seating for the main prep play area.

Pre-Prep had a fun time at Matlock Park Farm, they had a wonderful day and were even treated to an ice-cream!

The LAMDA and Music Showcase in Chapel was enjoyed by all and highlighted our pupil’s considerable talents in both drama and music.

The Prep 5 sleepover was an adventurous night filled with fun and bonding, and our Faith Day workshops offered educational and engaging sessions exploring different faiths.

The week concluded with an inter school friendly yet competitive cricket tournament, which everyone enjoyed immensely.

We want to extend a huge thank you to our dedicated staff, whose hard work and commitment made all these activities possible. A special thank you goes to the PTFA for their generous funding of the Prep 4 woodworking workshop, enhancing our play area with beautiful, pupil-made, wooden seating.

Looking ahead to next week, we have an even busier schedule planned. The Prep 4 assembly will take place on Monday morning. Parents are welcome, please gather at the Lodge by 08:30. 

Please note After-school clubs will run on Monday only next week, due to residentials and various activities throughout the week. Residentials and activities are scheduled as follows:

  • Reception and Prep 1 will enjoy a local walk on Wednesday
  • Pre-Prep 2 will be joining Prep 3 and Prep 4 for the Dovedale walk on Wednesday, coordinated by Mrs Emmerson-Friend. Prep 3 and 4 will then head off to Ilam Hall for their residential.
  • Prep 5 will head to Cromford from Wednesday to Friday the lead teacher for the trip will be Mr Parker.
  • Prep 6 will be in Buxton from Tuesday to Friday, the lead teacher being Mr Bettaney.

The named staff members are leading these activities, so please direct any questions regarding the residentials to them. Any Main Prep pupils remaining in school during the residentials will be looked after by Mrs Scott. We are all looking forward to an exciting week filled with memorable experiences for our pupils.

Parent Association and DPE

A full review of parental organisations and parental involvement across both schools is under review.  By the end of this term, a new structure will be announced and we will be looking for parents who may wish to be involved in various committees.  We very much look forward to continuing to work with current members who wish to be part of our new parental organisation as well as welcoming new faces.

Online Presentation: ‘The Impact of a General Election on the Independent Sector’

For those that were unable to attend the Teams presentation on Tuesday, please click here to access the recording.

Re-selling of Uniform at The Prep

Further to our previous newsletter, please note the correct address for ‘Grown Out of It’ is

Annual Speech Day and Prep 6 Prize Giving

All parents are warmly invited to join us for our Annual Speech Day and Prep 6 Prize Giving. Please find details and an invitation attached.


Finally, at the end of the Michaelmas Term in December 2024, Mrs Katie Falconer will be relocating with her family. She has been an exceptional Prep teacher, and her presence will be deeply missed. We will have the opportunity to bid her a proper farewell in due course.


Best regards,


The following attachments can be found on the Parent Portal by visiting 

  • Annual Speech Day and Prep 6 Prize Giving Invitation


Summer Term Week 6 Head of Prep Newsletter

Dear Parents and Guardians,

What a busy and exciting week it has been at the Prep. We started off in style with the fabulous Prep 5 & 6 swimming gala. The pupils displayed exemplary behaviour throughout the event. A huge thank you to Mrs Falconer, Mrs Alcock, Mr Bettaney and all the staff for organising a professional and safe gala that encouraged participation from swimmers of all abilities. Congratulations to Beeches for being crowned the House Gala Champions – well done to all the pupils!

On Tuesday morning, we held our final form rep meeting. I’m sure you will join me in expressing immense gratitude to all the form reps for their hard work this year. A special thanks to Betina for her unwavering support of the whole school community during my tenure as Head of the Prep.

This week, all Prep pupils were treated to a spectacular matinee performance of Shrek by the college pupils. It was an amazing show that everyone thoroughly enjoyed.

Thank you to the Prep 6 and Pre-Prep parents who attended the informal coffee afternoons with Miss Tulloch and the staff. Your presence and engagement are greatly appreciated. 

Prep 6 also enjoyed a fun and memorable Olympics sleepover this week.

A reminder to Parents and guardians of Main Prep children, if you haven't yet registered your child's interest for the residential visit, please do so by 25 May 2024, with payment completed by 2 June 2024. Please note that during residential week, after-school clubs will be held on Monday10 June, but will not run from 11-14 June due to the residential trips.

We bid farewell to Mrs Green, who will be leaving us at the end of the academic year. Amanda has been a dedicated Language teacher for many years, and we wish her all the best in her future endeavours. We are pleased to welcome Mr Bowden, who will be joining us in September as a teacher of modern foreign languages. William currently teaches at St Anselm's School and brings over 10 years of experience in teaching French and Spanish.

Parents, please ensure that all items of uniform are named. Additionally, could you please check your child’s kit and return any uniform items to their rightful owner. Also, a reminder that pupils with hair longer than shoulder length should have it tied back.

Mrs Wild has requested donations of jigsaw puzzles suitable for Pre-Prep age children for the Pre-Prep club next term. If any parents have appropriate jigsaw puzzles to donate, they would be greatly appreciated.

Save the Date: The Impact of a General Election on the Independent Sector

Join Head, Lotte Tulloch, online at 7pm on Tuesday 4 June as she explains the potential impact of a General Election on the independent sector. During this online presentation, she will attempt to cut through the media to the 'facts' to avoid speculation. Please note, this is distinct from the already scheduled Head’s Update for Parents: ‘Denstone – The Road Ahead’ - which will continue as planned on 25 June. The link to the event on 4th June is as follows: Join the meeting now

Re-selling of Uniform at The Prep

Going forwards there will be two platforms available to buy / sell and re-use new style uniform. The existing PTFA uniform shop will continue to run and we would ask that you consider continuing to donate items here. By supporting the shop, the PTFA will be able continue to fund activity days, trips and school projects for the children. As a thank you to parents, the PTFA have started a 30% cash back scheme to the donor for any items sold via the shop. As the shop rebuilds its stock, the PTFA will advertise their current stock list on the new school noticeboard (shortly to be put up outside The Prep entrance).

The second option is 'Grown Out of It' - an online retail platform for selling on used items. If and when your children outgrow any of their new uniform and it is still in good condition, there is a good platform for selling these on to new parents who may wish to purchase a second-hand item. There has been no formal provision for this until now at the College and a donation system through the PTA at the Prep, but we now have this in place. We wish to ensure our new uniform is sustainably bought and sold on this platform over the coming years. Please do visit for further details and please do look at 'Gordonstoun School' to see a good example of this in action.


  • Pre-Prep Day to Matlock Park Farm on 5 June. Could all parents please respond via Evolve.
  • Our very first LAMDA and Music 6 showcase is on Wednesday 5 June in the chapel. No after school clubs this evening. Parents are welcome for refreshments prior to the performance please wait in the Lodge from 1600 to be escorted through to chapel. Performers parents will be emailed more details by this weekend. A snack will be provided for the performers. This hopes to be a special concert showcasing LAMDA from Prep 3-6 and to celebrate music from a group of Prep 6 who learn an instrument. All parents are welcome.
  • Prep 5 Olympic Sleepover: 6 June. Please book in with Kim King.
  • Faith Day for Pre-Prep to Prep 4 taking place on 7 June.
  • ABRSM exams will take place on Monday 17 June throughout the day. Your child will have been preparing for this exam and will know if they have been entered.  A member of staff will escort them from the Prep to the Music Department ready for their exam.  They will have a rehearsal with a pianist before the exam if required.  Your child will know their exam time after half term.
  • All parents are invited to the final teatime concert of the year in the Prep assembly room on 18 June, 16:00-17:15. Performances will feature a selection of prep pupils from all year groups. You will be informed in advance if your child is performing.
  • Pre-Prep Family Day on 20 June. Invites were sent out on 20 May in pupils' bags. Please return as soon as possible.
  • Advance notice: Please note that on Friday 21 June the Prep will close at 1630 to allow staff to attend a whole campus event.

At the Prep, we have an open-door policy and encourage any parents who wish to speak with a staff member or myself to do so during school hours, including staff who live on-site. As Head of the Prep, I am more than happy to meet with parents. You can arrange an appointment through Mrs Heron, contact me by phone or email, or catch me in the morning as I am welcoming in the pupils. Please ensure you use the appropriate channels to arrange these meetings, as this helps us maintain an organised and productive environment for everyone.

Please note that school closes at 4:30 today. Wishing all parents and pupils an enjoyable half term.

Warm regards,

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