The Prep Newsletter 17-05-2024
Newsletter - The Prep

Summer Term Week 5 Head of Prep Newsletter

Dear Parents and Guardians,

This week at the Prep, we have been embracing the theme of equality and diversity, celebrating our differences as strengths that enrich our school community. We stress the importance of anti-discrimination in all its forms and are committed to modelling kindness and respect across all our interactions. Our Wellbeing curriculum includes anti-discrimination content, and we believe in instilling these values in all our pupils, who will be the leaders of tomorrow. As parents, we encourage you to continue these vital discussions at home, reinforcing the message that diversity is to be celebrated and we treat everyone with kindness and respect.

Prep 3 Performance

On Monday morning, Prep 3 treated us to a marvellous performance of "Daniel and the Lion" in chapel.


Wednesday marked the first of many successful JCB STEM days. Please see the attached flyer. Pupils are encouraged to enter the competition to design a JCB machine of the future. The closing date is 14 June. Pupils please hand in entries to Form teacher.

Woodwork Workshop

The rain did not dampen Prep 4, who thoroughly enjoyed their woodwork workshop in the outdoor classroom.

Coffee Afternoons

It was great to see Prep 5 parents at the informal coffee afternoon on Thursday. We hope to see more of you at the upcoming coffee afternoons. Prep 6 on Tuesday 21 May and Pre-Prep on Wednesday 22 May from 1600 - 1700 at the Head's house.

Sun Cream

When the sunny weather does return, please apply 12-hour sun cream to your child before school, especially Pre-Prep pupils. Do not send sun cream to school with Pre-Prep pupils.

Trading Cards

Please ensure that children do not bring football cards, Pokémon cards, or similar items to school.

Residential Meetings

Thank you for attending the informal residential online meetings. Please return permission slips as soon as possible.

School Fees

Recently Miss Tulloch has met with many parents regarding their personal circumstances and the potential impact of VAT on fees; she extends an invitation to any family who wishes to discuss this issue (or any other pertinent matter): our doors are always open.

Prep 5&6 Swimming Gala – Monday 20 May

Doors open at 13:45 for a 14:00 start. Parents are encouraged to come and cheer on our swimmers. Please support all pupils in all houses to model kindness. The gala should finish by 1515 so parents will be able to collect their child from The Prep at the normal sign out time once they are changed.  It would be really helpful if parents ensure,

  • an extra towel is brought in as the towel they wrap themselves with whilst waiting for their races often gets wet.
  • the straps on their goggles are checked to be the correct length as occasionally in lessons we find they are too loose.
  • pupils with long hair have a swimming cap that has been checked to be the correct size.

House and Group Photographs - Reminder

House and Group photographs are available to purchase from Gilman and Soame.  Please refer to the proof cards for information on how to order online. If you have any questions or issues accessing the proofs, please contact Dr Baker at [email protected].  Replacements proofs can be sent, if lost.


  • Open Morning this Saturday. Please email Mrs Heron if your child is unable to attend.
  • Form Rep Meeting, Tuesday 21 May at 08:30 in the café.
  • Pirate Day, Prep 2 get ready for Pirate Day on Thursday, 23 May.
  • LAMDA and Music Showcase, Wednesday 5 June in the chapel. No after school clubs this evening. Parents are welcome for refreshments prior to the performance please wait in the Lodge from 1600 to be escorted through to chapel. You will be informed if your child is performing.
  • Pre-Prep Trip, Trip to Matlock Farm Park on Wednesday 5 June. Please return permission slips as soon as possible.
  • Olympic-Themed Sleepovers, Prep 6 on Thursday 23 May, and Prep 5 on Thursday, 6 June at Hartley House. These sleepovers are themed around having fun and being silly in sport, with plenty of outdoor activities and water games.
  • Photographs: House and group photographs from Lent Term are still available from Gillman and Soame. If you need replacement proof cards, please contact Helen Heron.
  • Individual, Form, and prep siblings' photographs have been taken today, links will be sent to parents in due course.

Do remember that the Prep will close early on Friday 24 May for half term.  Children can be picked up from 1545, there will be no after school clubs and after school care will close at 1630. School transport will leave at the earlier time of 1630.

Our door is always open for parents. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to visit us or book an appointment at any time.

Warm regards,


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