The Prep Newsletter 17-03-2023
Newsletter - The Prep

Summer Term Week 4 Head of Prep Newsletter

Dear Parents and Guardians,

As the sun shines brightly, we are embracing the great outdoors at the Prep! Please remember to apply sun cream in the morning and provide a sun hat for your child to ensure they are protected during outdoor activities.

Swimming Gala Success

Congratulations to our Prep pupils - Reuben, Oscar J, Tristan, and Jack M—who excelled at the Dove Valley Swimming Gala this weekend. A big thank you to Mrs Falconer and Ms Alcock for their support and coordination.

Rainbows Charity Assembly

We had the pleasure of welcoming representatives from our Beeches charity, Rainbows, during Wednesday's assembly. They shared the impactful work they do and the importance of every penny raised. Thank you for your continued support for our local worthwhile charities.

Residential Meeting Recap

For those who missed the online residential meetings with Mrs Emmerson Friend, please find below links to the recordings.

Prep 3 Residential Ilam Hall

Prep 4 Ilam Hall Residential

Prep 5 Willersley Castle Residential

Please direct any questions to your child’s form teacher. We appreciate Mrs Emmerson Friend's dedication to making our residentials a success.


Thank you to our sports staff for organising enjoyable fixtures this week. Looking ahead, we are excited about our JCB STEM day next Wednesday, where pupils will design and build JCB's next innovative machine. Look out for photos on our social media!

Head’s Update Meeting

Don’t forget the ‘Head’s Update for Parents: ‘Denstone - the Road Ahead’ on Tuesday, 25 June. It’s a great opportunity to ask questions and learn about the future plans for Denstone College. All are welcome to attend.

Fees In Advance Scheme

We have recently reviewed and updated our longstanding Scheme and are pleased to advise that our governors have approved our Scheme offer. Thank you to those of you who have been waiting patiently for your quote. You should receive it in the next few days. Please contact [email protected] if you do not.

Upcoming Dates and Reminders

  • Prep 3 Chapel Assembly, Monday 13 May. Parents are welcome, please gather at the Lodge by 08:30.
  • Individual & sibling pupil photographs and Prep 6 Leaver’s Photograph in the Prep grounds on Friday 17 May.
  • Open Morning 18 May, Prep 6 pupils will have the opportunity to act as guides for our visitors. Prep 6 pupils will be in school from 1045 -1230, while the rest of the Prep children will be in school from 1100 - 1230. Full school uniform is required unless specified by form teachers. If your child is unable to support our Open Morning please let Helen Heron, [email protected] know as soon as possible. Just a reminder that the Open Morning is for prospective families visiting the college for the first time.  If any of our Prep families would like a tour of the college please contact Juliette Sheldon, [email protected] who will be happy to arrange this.
  • Prep 5&6 Swim Gala, Monday 20 May. Doors open at 13:45 for a 14:00 start. Parents are encouraged to come and cheer on our swimmers. The gala should finish by 1515 so parents will be able to collect their child from The Prep at the normal sign out time once they are changed.
  • Form Representatives Meeting, Tuesday 21 May at 08:30 in the Café.

Save the Date (details to follow)       

  • LAMDA and Prep 6 Music Showcase, Wednesday 5 June, 1630 in the Chapel.
  • Pre-Prep Family Day - Thursday 20 June 1415 in Chapel
  • Summer Serenade, Tuesday 25 June, 1630-1800.
  • Prep 6 Leaver’s Dinner, Tuesday, 2 July, 07:30-9:00 PM. Parents invited to join us.
  • Prep 6 Leaver’s Service, Thursday 4 July, 0840 - 0930 in the Chapel.

We look forward to another exciting week at the Prep and thank you for your continued support.

Warm regards,

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