The Prep Newsletter 21-06-2024
Newsletter - The Prep

Summer Term Week 10 Head of Prep Newsletter

Dear Parents/ Guardians

What a busy and exciting week we have had at The Prep.  We had a very special visitor on Wednesday, Toby Robinson (uncle of Harrison in Prep 6) who is competing in this year’s Paris Olympics. He is competing in possibly the most gruelling event of the whole Olympics, the 10km Open Water Marathon! He will be swimming in the River Seine through the heart of Paris. Toby brought in a collection of medals, GB and Olympic swimming hats and the pupils were spellbound as they all got to hold them. He had photos with every year group and told us about his gruelling training regime which can include 360 lengths per session! Toby was brilliant at answering our pupils' questions and it was a very memorable visit. Toby will be competing at 0730 on 9 August. I hope all our pupils will get up early and cheer him on. A big thank you to Toby and to Harrison's mum in Prep 6 for organising this inspiring event.

Thank you to Pre-Prep staff, Mrs Heron, Mrs Chadwick and Mrs John for our Pre-Prep Family Day. The sun shone brightly as we enjoyed afternoon tea, and it was wonderful to see the support of so many families.


  • EYFS Reports will be published 26 June 2024.
  • Early Closure, The Prep will close at 1630 today, please arrange to pick up your child by this time.
  • Moving Up Morning, on Monday 24 June, children will spend time with their next year’s form teacher. Prep 6 pupils will participate in Six Mix at the College on the same day. Prep 6 pupils can be dropped off at The Prep as usual or parents can take them directly to the college. Parents can pick up their child from Six Mix, or Prep staff will collect them and bring them back to The Prep.
  • Summer Serenade, please join us on Tuesday 25 June at 1630 for our Summer Serenade. We’ve booked the sun, so please bring along picnics, blankets, and chairs. The Serenade will be held at the back of the Prep School. Please make your way there rather than using main entrance. The Serenade begins at 1630 and should last just over an hour. This year we are celebrating Roald Dahl in drama and being entertained by short sketches from many of his fantastic books. The music will be from our music groups including Pre-Prep Choir, Show Choir, Percussion Group, Prep Band and pupils own rehearsed creations.  It promises to be full of fun and with some wonderful music. There will be refreshments for the children prior to their performances. There will be no after school clubs on this night. Parents can collect their child at the normal time if they are not taking part. Any child in after-school prep will be taken to watch the performances. Coach children will be escorted to the coaches at the normal times, unless parents advise otherwise.
  • Sports Day is on Thursday 27 June at 13:30, at the athletics track. Please ensure all children have clean kit: shorts, T-shirt, socks, trainers, sun hat, water bottle, and sun cream applied before school.
  • End of Term Assembly: You are all invited to our End of Term Assembly on Friday, 28 June starting at 09:00 in the Drill Hall. Refreshments will be available.
  • Please note that there will be no after-school clubs during the final week of term, Prep will be availab
  • All parents are warmly invited to join us for Speech Day on Friday 5 July. Please email Helen Heron [email protected] to book your place.

Michaelmas Term clubs

Please find attached our Pre-Prep and Main-Prep Clubs list for Michaelmas Term.  Going forward, all after-school clubs will be included within the overall fee cost. You will receive invitations via Evolve for expressions of interest next week and confirmation will be sent out before the start of term. Clubs will commence on the second week of term and after-school prep will be available from the first week of term.

Warm regards,

The following attachments can be found by visiting 

  • Pre-Prep Clubs List
  • Main-Prep Clubs List

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