The Prep Newsletter 16-04-2024
Newsletter - The Prep

Lent Term Week 6 Head of Prep Newsletter

Dear Parents and Guardians,

At The Prep, we started off the week with an exciting House pancake race, which was a blast for all involved. The Wonderdome experience also left our children in awe, and a huge thank you to Mrs. Clews for organising such an inspiring event.

In celebration of Random Acts of Kindness Week, our assembly was filled with heart-warming moments, highlighting the importance of kindness in our community.

A big round of applause to our Sports staff for organising fixtures, and congratulations to our pupils who participated with enthusiasm.

Pre-Prep Gymnastics

Gymnastics sessions for Reception, Pre-Prep 1, and 2 will commence on Wednesday, 28 February. Please ensure PE kits are left in school.

Mother’s Day Service – Monday 4 March

You are warmly invited to join us for the Mother's Day service led by our Pre-Prep pupils on Monday, 4 March starting at 0840. Parents are welcome to meet in the Lodge from 0830 before being escorted to the chapel for refreshments.

World Book Day – Thursday 7 March

Thursday 7 March marks World Book Day 2024, and as part of our celebration of all things books, we would like to invite your child to decorate a wooden spoon as their favourite World Book Day character.  It can be any character from any book and prizes will be awarded to the best decorated wooden spoon in each year group. Please can parents supply the wooden spoon for the purposes of this competition, and we encourage you to let your child be as independent as possible in creating their favourite character. Also, on Friday 8 March, alongside our home clothes day, children may also wish to dress up as their favourite book character, with chocolate donations for PTFA chocolate bingo instead of charitable donations.

Prep 6 Parent Information Evening – Monday 18 March

Please see the parent Portal for information on the above event which will provide important information about the transition from Prep 6 to year 7 in the College.

Nearly New Shop

The PTFA would like to remind all parents that the Nearly New Shop is now accepting items of new style uniform and would kindly ask for donations as your child outgrows clothes. It is tempting to simply pass uniform down to friends or family; however, the uniform shop provides a valuable revenue for the PTFA and has contributed over 50% of their funds in recent years. As an added incentive to donate, they will be offering a cash back scheme in which 30% of the value of every sale will be given back to the parent who donated that uniform. An updated stock list will also be sent out to parents every few weeks alongside the weekly WhatsApp form rep updates. This money enables the PTFA to fund new equipment, contribute towards trips or workshops and provide some of the nice, little ‘extras’, which make your child's time at school that little bit more fun. In the past 2 years, the PTFA have funded the Main Prep willow weaving workshops and tree sculpture in The Prep foyer, a Pre-Prep trip to Chatsworth farm park, £2000 worth of Pre-Prep play equipment, Christmas discos and other, smaller items such as ice-lolly treats during school trips. Main Prep will also soon be receiving over £3000 of funding for a double-width slide for the existing tree-house in Norris Wood. With your help and donations, the PTFA will be able to continue to support our Prep children.


Please be aware that many of our bus services are operating at near-full capacity. Please do email [email protected] if you wish to reserve any extra ad hoc journeys for your child – these are subject to availability. 

A friendly reminder about our expectations for neat and tidy hair, ensuring shoulder length or longer hair is tied back, no mullet styles or shaved tram lines please.

We kindly ask for your assistance as parents, in returning any misplaced kit to its rightful owner. Please keep an eye out for the lost property on display this afternoon outside The Prep.

Reports and parents' evening are scheduled for next half term. However, if you wish to speak with your child's form teacher at any time, please feel free to email.

Wishing everyone a relaxing and rejuvenating half term break. We look forward to welcoming everyone back on Monday, 26 February.

The following attachments can be found on the Parent Portal by visiting

  • Prep 6 Parent Information Evening






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