The Prep Newsletter 09-02-2024
Newsletter - The Prep

Lent Term Week 5 Head of Prep Newsletter

Dear Parents and Guardians,

It's been a delightful week at the Prep, with our pupils embracing the snowy weather and having a blast outdoors.  We had a special visitor this week—Esio the tortoise! Our pupils had a fantastic time learning about reptiles and their fascinating eating habits.

Safer Internet was our theme of the week. We remind our children that the internet is like a vast playground. While it offers endless opportunities for fun and learning, it's crucial to follow some rules to stay safe.

Our teatime concert was a resounding success, showcasing the remarkable talent of our young musicians. It's truly inspiring to witness the power of music to uplift spirits. A heartfelt thank you to all our music and Prep staff for their hard work, and a special thanks to our sixth formers for their support.


On 29 February we will be holding a joint Prep and Senior School Music concert at 1900. This is a Prep concert but with the support of the senior school students and staff. It is a great opportunity to see the music from reception all the way up to sixth form.  A selection of senior soloists and ensembles will be supporting the Prep School.  Show Choir and Chapel Choir performers and any soloists will be expected to stay for rehearsals after school before the concert. An age appropriate tea will be provided for them.  Pre-Prep choir have been invited to open the concert with two short songs.  Should you wish your child to take part please return a form that we will be sending home on Monday 12 February.  Supper will be offered to Main Prep pupils performing in the concert as there will be afternoon rehearsals.  Pre-Prep have also been given the option of staying for supper should they wish too. More details to follow next week.

World Book Day

Message from Mrs Lea our English Lead: Thursday 7 March marks World Book Day 2024, and as part of our celebration of all things books, we would like to invite your child to decorate a wooden spoon as their favourite world book day character.  It can be any character from any book and prizes will be awarded to the best decorated wooden spoon in each year group. School uniform will be required to be worn on the day as normal.  We will also be doing a lucky dip where children will choose a pre-loved book - selected specifically for their age range - that they can keep, but the cover will be wrapped!  The aim of this is to discover an author or type of story that they may not normally choose based on the cover alone.  It is hoped that it encourages pupils to look beyond the front cover and blurb alone.  Book covers and blurb are of course important and valid reasons for choosing a book, but as a reader myself I have often chosen books based on these and have been left disappointed or have overlooked books that when I've gone back and read them, I've been completely absorbed and found a new favourite. This lucky dip book pick is able to happen because the PTFA have generously donated books and I thank them for their continued support.  If you have any good quality pre-loved books at home that you would like to donate please drop these with Mrs Heron before the half term break.  I thank you in advance for your support.

New Sept 2024 Reception Class Easter Egg Hunt: 20th March 2024

Come and join us for our Reception Easter Fun Day on 20 March from 1415 till 1530. There will be an Easter Bonnet Parade (bring your own Easter bonnet), Easter Egg hunt and a chance to play in our play area. This will also be an opportunity to visit our Reception teacher and classroom. Booking is advised as numbers are limited, please email [email protected]  to secure your spot. To find out more about our Pre-Prep department please visit

Stay & Play

From 19 April until 21 June, we will be offering Stay & Play every Friday for those considering Reception in September 2024. Why not book in for our Stay & Play sessions to experience The Prep at Denstone College. Book your FREE place by email [email protected].


Did you know we offer lots of options for flexi boarding for pupils aged 7 upwards. Whether it be on a regular basis or just now and again we have beds suitable. Speak to Head of Hartley House Boarding, Kim King to find out more. [email protected]. Find out more about Hartley House boarding here:

Cupcake Friday -16 February

The PTFA will be running a Cupcake Friday stall on the last day of this half-term, Friday 16 February at 1545. They would like to ask for donations of shop bought, ’nut-free’ cakes to be dropped off with Helen Heron on the Friday morning.

Do remember that the Prep will close early on Friday 16 February for half term.  Children can be picked up from 1545, there will be no after school clubs and after school care will close at 1630. School transport will leave at the earlier time of 1630.

Thank you for your continued support.

Warm regards



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