The Prep Newsletter 20-01-2023
Newsletter - The Prep

Dear Parents / Guardians

In the second week of Lent term, it feels as though we’ve experienced every weather phenomenon possible: snow, sunshine, hail, rain… As you’d expect, however, our pupils have smiled through it all, and made the most of it, especially playing in the snow with the Sixth Formers.

This week, we launched the highly-anticipated 'It Starts Here' campaign. We are incredibly proud of the entire school and our pupils, and particularly of our very own movie star, Hugo!

Mrs Dawson is excited to announce that a Pre-Prep Choir has started on a Monday at 1:30pm. This will take place in the music room within the Prep and is a free activity open to any Pre-prep pupil that would like to sing. Mrs Jon will be taking the choir and is very excited to get the younger pupils singing. Please do encourage your son/daughter to attend.

Looking ahead, Prep and House Photos will be taken on Tuesday 24 January, so pupils need to be smart in their uniforms, with blazers and ties please. Friday 27 January is home clothes day, pupils are encouraged to wear blue for Oaks’ Charity, Aqua Box and bring a suggested donation of £2.

Further information regarding the Derby Arts Festival Activity for Main Prep pupils. The Derby Arts Festival is taking place 2 – 5 May, the specific date/time for individual events will be announced by the organisers a few weeks before the festival, hence the vague dates. Once we have the specific dates and times, we will let parents know. We are hoping to utilise the school minibus to transport pupils to the festival.

Save the date.  Please find dates for our Main Prep residentials below, further exciting information to follow:

Prep 6 from 09-05-2023 to 12-05-2023.

Prep 5 from 09-05-2023 to 11-05-2023.

Prep 4 from 09-05-2023 to 11-05-2023.

Prep 3 from 09-05-2023 to 10-05-2023.

Finally, we have several unnamed items of lost property.  We will set up a table in the entrance to the Prep next week if you would like to take a look and claim anything that belongs to your child. 

Kind regards

Tracey Davies

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