The Prep Newsletter 10-02-2023
Newsletter - The Prep

Dear Parents / Guardians

This week's theme across the campus has been Internet Safety, which we believe is crucially important for our students to learn about in an age of near-constant technological advancement. This was covered in PSHE lessons, with students learning all about how to be Internet Superheroes, and about the dangers of sharing personal information online. These conversations are absolutely vital to have, and I encourage you to maintain an open dialogue with your children regarding internet safety.

Monday started off with Mr Parker's Prep 5 class leading the Eucharist, explaining the history of St Valentine. Chapel choir also started off the week with some beautiful singing. Music was a recurring theme throughout the start of the week, with our talented Prep musicians performing outstandingly in the Prep Teatime Concert.

We will be celebrating World Book day on Thursday 2 March and pupils are warmly invited to come to school dressed up as their favourite book character.  Again, this year, we are delighted and very excited to welcome back Alex Foulkes. Please see attached letter for further information regarding purchasing Alex's books.

Please note that due to unforeseen circumstances, some LAMDA lessons will take place online this term. If you have any questions about this please feel free to contact me.

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to remind parents who are dropping off their children at the Main College Music Department entrance, to press the buzzer and wait for Mrs Wilde to let the pupils in, rather than parents entering the building. For health and safety reasons, it is necessary for us to have a record of any visitors in the building at any given time, and this means that parents must not enter the building. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter of good housekeeping.

Attachments: World Book Day - Visiting Author, Alex Foulkes


Kind regards

Tracey Davis

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