Prep Newsletter - 10-03-2023
Newsletter - The Prep

Dear Parents / Guardians

Just as we thought that spring was finally around the corner, snow hit the College out of seemingly nowhere! Please accept our apologies for the unexpected closure of the school for the rest of this week; due to the snow conditions and the forecast, we thought it the safest option, especially since some of our pupils now travel a considerable distance and use school transport. Our children have certainly had fun in the snow whilst the school was open. You can see some of the photos on social media. 

Prior to the snow, Prep 4 led a fantastic assembly on Monday, which they clearly enjoyed performing. Thank you for being so confident and engaging, Prep 4! We also had time to enjoy the Poetry Festival on Wednesday before the flurries; thank you to Mrs Lea for organising such a successful event.

Registration of Siblings

Denstone College is very much an educational institution of choice and to that end, availability of places is incredibly tight. We occasionally find ourselves in a difficult situation unable to admit the siblings of current pupils as a simple result of parents not registering younger children in time. To that end, please do not presume we know about your plans and ask that you enquire and make arrangements to register for any younger siblings who are looking to join us as soon as possible. To do this, please email; [email protected] as soon as possible to let us know your intentions.

Speed in Denstone Village

This week we have been alerted by the Parish Council of several drivers who have been caught by the Community Speedwatch service travelling significantly over the 30 mph speed limit which is in place on College Road. Please may I ask all drivers to be mindful of the limits and to ensure they stay within the law. Due to the proximity of the College, we ask for a 'twenty is plenty' mindset for the safety of all users of the roads and pavements.

Home Clothes Days for Charity

Please note that Friday 17 March is home clothes for Red Nose Day. Pupils can wear something spotty and bring in a voluntary £2 donation please. There will also be a rearranged home clothes day on Fri 24 March in aid of Beeches chosen charity Air Ambulance, wear something red.  

Digital Safety Event for Parents with Karl Hopwood (Online) – Thursday 16 March  


Due to circumstances out of our control, the parent information evening which was due to take place at the College on Friday 17 March has now been moved to Thursday 16 March, 6pm7pm on Microsoft Teams.   


Click here to join the meeting  

Meeting ID: 347 414 538 146

Passcode: Ea7Krv  


Parents’ Evening – Wednesday 22 March

Prep Academic Parents' Evening will take place in the Drill Hall from 4pm on Wednesday 22 March.  Appointments can be booked from Monday 13 March at 5pm on School Cloud using the following link  Booking will close on 20 March at 4pm.


Kind regards


Tracey Davies






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