Prep Newsletter - 09-06-2023
Newsletter - The Prep

Dear Prep Parents and Guardians,

Welcome back this week to The Prep! We hope you had a restful and enjoyable half term break with your families. As we enter the final stretch of the academic year, we would like to take this opportunity to share some important updates and upcoming events.

Firstly, we kindly ask all parents to log on to our online calendar, which can be accessed through the parent portal on our school website. The online calendar provides an overview of all the events, activities, and important dates for the remainder of the term. It's a busy time of year and staying informed about these events will help you plan ahead.

A reminder about the Summer Serenade on Wednesday 21 June at 4:30pm on the field behind the prep. Please bring a picnic, some chairs and all the family. There will be performances from Show Choir, Pre-Prep Choir, Percussion Group, Junior Band, Prep Band and soloists from Prep 6 as well as a Prep 5&6 Drama performance of Oscar Wilde's The Happy Prince.

We would like to invite all parents and guardians to join us for the End of Term Assembly, which will be held on Friday, 30 June at 0900 in the Drill hall. This assembly is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the achievements of all our pupils. In addition to the End of Term Assembly, we are delighted to announce that The Prep Speech Day will take place on Friday 7 July at 1115. This prestigious event is a highlight of our school year, where we recognise and celebrate the outstanding accomplishments of our Prep 6 pupils. It is a day of inspiration, reflection, and pride for our entire school. We extend a warm invitation to all parents and guardians to join us on this special occasion. More information regarding Speech Day will be shared in the coming weeks.

Giving Week 2023
The purpose of the week is to raise awareness of some of the wonderful charitable activity that already takes place across our school. There has long been a culture of philanthropy at Denstone College and every year we support a number of charities through non-uniform days, bake sales, and a number of other fundraising activities.

The College itself is a registered charity and part of that comes with a responsibility to ensure we are supporting those that most need our help. An important part of this is widening access to education through our bursary programme, including the work with do with the Royal National Children's SpringBoard Foundation.

In addition to this, we have a big vision for the future in terms of developing the facilities at the College, in parallel to protecting the ones we have. Projects this year include the restoration of our organ and the development of our sustainability pledge, ‘Denstone Green’, where we will accelerate our commitment to reducing our carbon footprint and energy costs in order to re-purpose funds to areas of greatest need across the College. Giving Week 2023 opens on the 20th June. Donations can be made online, or by contacting our Foundation ([email protected]) for further information and instructions. Every donation really does make a difference.

Best wishes,

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