Prep Newsletter - 07-07-2023
Newsletter - The Prep

Dear Staff, Pupils, and Parents,

As we approach the end of another eventful academic year, I want to express my gratitude to each of you for your unwavering support. It has been a year of challenges and triumphs, and I am incredibly proud of what we have achieved together.

I am thrilled to announce that the Prep has been shortlisted for the Independent School of the Year Award for Environmental Achievement. This recognition is a testament to the teams' dedication to fostering an environmentally conscious ethos within our prep community.

Looking ahead, the next academic year will commence on Monday, 4 September for all pupils. I encourage everyone to use the summer break to rest and recharge, ready to embrace the opportunities that lie ahead.

Pupil reports will be available on the parent portal, starting Monday, 10 July. These reports provide valuable insights into your child's progress and achievements throughout the year.

As we say goodbye to this academic year, I would like to extend a special farewell to our Prep 6 pupils and parents, who will be moving onto the college. We are proud of their accomplishments and look forward to seeing them continue to thrive. I would like to share special messages from our Head Boy, Harry R, and Head Girl, Olivia.

" I would like to say thank you to teachers and all my friends for their support throughout my time as Head Boy. It has been an incredible journey and I have made many friends along the way. I have been grateful for the opportunities to represent our Prep this year."

“As Head Girl, I am proud of what we have achieved at the Prep. We have worked together as a team, with amazing friends and teachers. It has been so much fun."

We also say goodbye to Mr Harden who has taught sport all year at the Prep and Humanities this term. You have made a significant impact on our Prep and you will be greatly missed. We wish you and your family all the very best in your future endeavours.

To our Form Representatives, thank you for your dedication and hard work in ensuring effective communication between staff, pupils, and parents throughout the year. You have played a vital role in strengthening our community.

I would like to also thank our dedicated PTFA for their fundraising efforts on behalf of the Prep. Their hard work and commitment continue to provide us with the resources to offer fabulous opportunities to our pupils. I am incredibly grateful for your support.

I wish you all a wonderful summer break filled with joy and relaxation. Thank you once again for your continued support.

Warm regards,


Please see the Parent Portal for the following attachments • Letter regarding Summer Cricket photographs

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