The Prep Newsletter - 20-10-2023
Newsletter - The Prep

Week 7 Head of Prep Newsletter

Dear Parents,

Week seven of the Michaelmas term started vibrantly with our Harvest Festival in Chapel, wonderfully led by our Pre-Prep pupils.

Service of Remembrance

Please mark your calendars for Thursday 9 November. We welcome all parents and visitors to join our Service of Remembrance in the chapel at 08:55. Prep will be joined by 1st and 2nd year college students. The café at Denstone College will be open from 08:00 for refreshments and parents should gather in the Lodge from 0845. Poppies and other Royal British Legion merchandise will be available in school from Monday 6 November and we encourage all of our pupils to wear a poppy for the service.

Big Wild Walk 2023

Mrs Emmerson-Friend and our Prep pupils invite you to take part in The Wildlife Trusts' Big Wild Walk from October 16-30. It is  a flexible challenge; you set the distance and fundraising target. Register and learn more at Big Wild Walk at

PTFA Pre-loved Book Sale

On Friday 24 November, the PTFA are holding a second-hand book sale. Donations of age-appropriate books can be dropped off to Helen Heron after half term. This is a great chance for a pre-Christmas clear-out! Unsold books will go to charity.

Communication over Half Term

It is important that our teaching staff get a rest this holiday and therefore I politely ask all parents to keep non-urgent emails until the start of the next term. If there are urgent issues, or you require a response before 6 November, please email: [email protected].

Prep 6 Pupils

I hope that your Prep 6 child is looking forward to the day at the College on 15 November. On the day, please bring your Prep 6 child to the Prep as usual in the morning by 08.20; the Prep teachers will escort them to the College. At the end of the day, pupils may be collected at 16.00 from the Drill Hall. Any Prep 6 pupils not collected by 16.00 will be escorted back to the Prep for after-school activities as normal. We look forward to a successful and engaging day.


If your child was a new starter this year (September 2023), please note that the link will expire on Tuesday 31 October. If you wish to purchase your child’s individual or sibling photo, please do so before this date. If you have any questions, please email [email protected]

We wish everyone a restful half-term. School resumes on Monday 6 November.

Best wishes,

Tracey Davies


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