The Prep Newsletter 01-12-2023
Newsletter - The Prep

Week 13 Head of Prep Newsletter

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Welcome to the season of Advent here at The Prep. As we all know, Denstone was founded by Nathanial Woodard as a Christian School and there is no greater time in the Christian calendar to remind ourselves of our core purpose. We have some exciting events lined up as we approach the Christmas season.  The week started on a high note with our choir's beautiful performance in chapel. The melodic voices of our pupils truly filled the chapel with joy. A special thank you to the Burton Family, Ted and Etta's parents, for our wonderful Christmas tree and bales of hay for the nativity.

I am delighted to share how enjoyable our teatime concert was last evening. The performance showcased the varied talent of our prep pupils, and I am incredibly proud of each participant. Their dedication and hard work were evident. A heartfelt thank you to our music staff for their unwavering support and guidance. These events truly highlight the vibrant spirit and talent within our school community.

As we enter this hectic time of the year, please understand that our teachers are fully committed to their responsibilities, including teaching, fixtures, and trips. If you reach out to them and don't receive an immediate response, rest assured that they will get back to you as soon as possible.

I would like to kindly remind our community that the speed limit on our school campus is 10 mph. This policy is crucial for ensuring the safety of our students and staff. Your cooperation in adhering to this speed limit is greatly appreciated and contributes to a safer environment for our children. Thank you for your understanding and support.


Please may we ask parents to complete the following MS form for all bussing requirements for next term. This is to ensure your bussing bills are correct and that we have the right size vehicle on each of our routes. This must be completed no later than Friday 8 December for us to be able to guarantee a seat for your child. We ask you to complete this form even if your requirements have not changed.

Eye Tests

It is recommended that even children with apparently normal vision should have a yearly eye test, as children can often compensate very well for some eye problems which need to be identified and treated early to avoid lifelong visual loss. Eye testing checks that your child's vision is developing normally and it is recommended to start having these at a young age so that any reduced vision or difference in vision between each eye can be picked up before the visual system is fully developed and any treatment can be started. These are free at any opticians. Staffordshire Council no longer offers eye tests in school and we ask all parents to make their own arrangements for regular check-ups.

Billing Email Address

To improve efficiency, we have created a new inbox to issue termly bills and respond to related queries. The email address is: [email protected]. You will have received your Lent invoice from this new inbox this week. Please ensure it hasn’t been diverted to your spam box.

PTFA Nearly New Uniform shop

The PTFA will no longer be accepting donations of old-style uniform for the Nearly New Shop, other than play tracksuits and waterproofs. Any other uniform can be taken in bags to the main college lodge where it will be sent for recycling via the college textile recycling scheme. The PTFA will soon be starting to clear old stock from the shop, so if you need to ’top up’ with any items of old uniform for the rest of this year, please get in touch with Lydia Burton or Claire Barker next week.

Now, let's take a look at some important dates and reminders for the upcoming events:

4 December 2023: Prep Carol Service in Chapel at 0840

All are welcome. Please meet in the Lodge from 0830 to be escorted into the chapel.

8 December 2023: Whole school trip to Buxton Opera House from 1145 to 1615

Pupils will be provided with a packed lunch.  There will be no afterschool clubs, due to the late return.  Parents who have paid for Main Prep Tennis will be reimbursed.

11 December 2023: Pre-Prep Nativity in the chapel from 0900 to 1000

All are welcome please meet in the Lodge from 0850 to be escorted to Chapel

12 December 2023: PTFA Christmas Disco in the Drill Hall

Pre-Prep 1430 - 1530 with pick up from the Prep at 1545 as usual. Main Prep 1600 to 1715 in the Drill Hall. There will be no after school clubs.

14 December 2023: Pre-Prep Christingle event from 0845 to 0945 in Chapel

All are welcome to join please meet at the lodge from 0835 to be escorted to Chapel.

15 December 2023

It's Christmas Jumper Day! Pupils are encouraged to wear their favourite Christmas Jumper over their school uniform (we will not be collecting donations). Pupils from Prep 3-6 are encouraged to make Christmas hats at home and wear them on this day, there will be prizes for each form group. Also, don't miss the End of Term Assembly in the Drill Hall from 0900 to 1030. Everyone is warmly invited to join us and celebrate our children's achievements during the term.  Refreshments will be available in the Drill Hall from 0845.

Please note that there will be no after-school clubs during the final week of term, owing to the busy schedule at this time of year. Rest assured, after-school prep will continue as usual, apart from Fri 15 December when school closes at 1545.  After-school care will be available until 1630 for coach children.

We look forward to sharing these special moments with you as we approach this exciting season. If you have any questions or need further information, don't hesitate to contact us at school.

Warm regards,

Best wishes,



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