The Prep Newsletter 08-12-2023
Newsletter - The Prep

Week 14 Head of Prep Newsletter

Dear Parents and Guardians,

I hope this message finds you well. I want to begin by extending my gratitude to all the parents and grandparents who braved the elements on Sunday night to attend our Carols By Candlelight event. It was a special occasion that marks the start of the Christmas season for many, and your presence made it even more memorable.

On Monday morning, we started off the week with a superb Prep Carol Service. I'd like to congratulate all the pupils who were involved and express my sincere thanks to the staff for their hard work in making it such a success. During Wednesday's Prep assembly, Mrs John treated us all to a beautiful piano recital, playing a Debussy piece, while a moon video added to the enchantment. Such experiences are integral to our pupils' education, and we appreciate Mrs John's contribution.

Our pupils have enjoyed an enriching educational experience with the trip to the theatre today. They represented us admirably, and I want to acknowledge Mrs Lea and all the staff who played a part in organising this special event. Thanks to the PTFA as well for ensuring the pupils enjoyed ice creams.

Fire Safety

In the spirit of safety, I'd like to draw your attention to a helpful document regarding house and fire safety over the festive period, provided by Staffordshire Fire and Rescue. You can access this document via the Parent Portal.

Safety in Denstone Village

I would like to request all parents to be mindful of their speed when traveling through Denstone village, particularly on Marlpit Lane. We maintain a close partnership with the Parish Council, and part of our responsibility is to ensure the safety and well-being of everyone in our community. Your consideration and thoughtfulness in residential areas are greatly appreciated.


This is a reminder that today is the last day to confirm your transport requirements for next term. If you haven’t already done so, please may you complete the MS form. This must be completed for us to be able to guarantee a seat for your child. We ask you to complete this form even if your requirements have not changed.

As we approach the final week before the holiday break, here are some important dates to remember:

11 December: Pre-Prep Nativity in Chapel from 0900 to 1000

Pre-Prep Parents and guests are welcome, and we kindly ask you to gather in the Lodge from 0850 to be escorted to the Chapel.

12 December: PTFA Christmas Disco in the Drill Hall

Please ensure that your child brings their disco clothes in a named carrier bag.

  • The Pre-Prep disco is scheduled from 1430 to 1530, with pick-up from the Prep at 1545 as usual. Parents and pupils can then visit the Pre-Prep Xmas Stalls in the Prep assembly hall. Any Pre-Prep pupils not collected will be escorted around the stalls by Pre-Prep after school staff, they will need a maximum of £3 to spend at the stalls.
  • The Main Prep disco will be from 1600 to 1700 in the Drill Hall. Main Prep parents may collect their child and visit the Xmas stalls in the Drill Hall from 1700. If parents are not attending the Xmas stalls, pupils will need a maximum of £5 to spend at the stalls. MP children in after school care will be escorted back to the Prep at 1730, after school care will be open until 1800, with pick up from the Prep from 1730. Coach children will be escorted to the coaches as normal. There will be no after school clubs.

13 December:  PTFA Hamper Raffle Draw

Please ensure that all of your raffle tickets are returned to Helen Heron by Tuesday 12 December, as we will ask the pupils to draw the raffle during our Wednesday morning Pep Assembly.

14 December: Pre-Prep Christingle event from 0845 to 0945 in Chapel

Pre-Prep Parents and guests are welcome, please meet at the lodge from 0835 to be escorted to Chapel.

15 December: End of Term Assembly and Christmas Jumper Day

Encourage your child to wear their favourite Christmas jumper over their school uniform. Additionally, Prep 3-6 students can create Christmas hats at home and wear them for a chance to win prizes. We invite you to attend the End of Term Assembly in the Drill Hall from 0900 to 1030, where we will celebrate our children's achievements during the term. Reception children will leave the assembly after credit certificates have been awarded. Refreshments will be available in the Drill Hall from 0845.

18 December: End of Term Reports

End of Term Reports will be issued on Monday 18 December.  You will need your ISAMS password in order to access reports. If you do not have your password please contact Juliette Sheldon in Admissions [email protected].

Please note that there will be no after-school clubs during the final week of term, except for after-school prep, which will continue as usual. On Friday, December 15th, school will close at 1545, and after-school care will be available until 1630 for coach children.

Lastly, a reminder that pupils will commence the Lent term on Tuesday, January 9th, 2024.

Thank you for your ongoing support and active participation in our school community.

Warm regards,

Best wishes,

Tracey Davies



The following attachments can be found on the Parent Portal by visiting

  • Fire Safety Document

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