The Prep Newsletter 26-01-2024
Newsletter - The Prep

Lent Term Week 3 Head of Prep Newsletter

Dear Parents/ Guardians

I hope this newsletter finds you well. It's been another fantastic week at our Prep School, filled with remarkable opportunities for our pupils.

Primary Music Festival

We started off the week with our Primary Music Festival, where Prep 5 & 6 pupils showcased their incredible talents. The performances were truly amazing, and the concert was a great success.

House Photographs

Tuesday brought the excitement of House photographs. A big thank you to all parents - the children looked exceptionally smart.

Wildlife Wonders

On Wednesday, we were delighted to welcome the Staffordshire Wildlife Trust, the chosen charity of Oaks. They shared valuable insights on nurturing and encouraging local wildlife.

Sports Success

Our pupils have been actively engaged in various fixtures against Yarlet, Terra Nova, and Newcastle under Lyme, just this week. Their achievements are a testament to their hard work and our dedicated staff's support.

Charity and Community

Friday's non-uniform day supported Cedars' chosen charity, Scropton Riding Centre. It's heart-warming to see our community come together for such noble causes.

Hartley House Junior Boarding Exciting news!

Hartley House junior boarding is now operational and fully supporting our Prep school. Whether it's a one-off experience or regular flexi-boarding, we offer tailored solutions to fit your family's needs. Our matron, Kat, ensures a warm and nurturing environment, complete with activities, healthy meals, and, of course, her famous hot chocolate! Stay tuned for some special themed activity nights, including The Dodge Ball Championships and a scavenger hunt. Please feel free to contact us for more information, [email protected].

Prep 5&6 Swimming Gala

The Prep 5&6 Swimming Gala scheduled for Monday 5 February is postponed, due to pool being out of action.  Further details will follow in due course.


On Tuesday 6 February we are very much looking forward to hosting our first Teatime Concert of the term. This will be held in the Assembly Hall of the Prep School for the very first time. Welcome drinks will be available, in the Prep foyer, from 4pm onwards and the concert itself is due to start at 4.15pm. For this concert, our soloists will be from Reception through to Year 3. Everyone is welcome to come and watch what we all hope will be a very special concert. The concert should last no more than an hour.  More details to follow next week but for now please save the date. Note that after school clubs and after school prep will still be running that afternoon. 

Absence Policy - Reminder

Daily Absence - Parents are responsible for informing the school on any occasion when their child is unable to attend due to illness. This should be done by contacting Mrs Heron, either leaving a message on the answer machine before 8.00am or emailing  [email protected] on the pupil’s first day of absence which has not previously been agreed with the school and every subsequent day of illness.  Please also note that if your child is suffering from diarrhoea or sickness, our policy states to stay at home for 48 hours from the last episode.

Planned Absence - Permission for a pupil to be out of school for a planned absence such as a medical appointment should be made by email to the Head of Prep [email protected]. The Head of Prep will confirm whether the leave of absence has been granted.

Thank you for your continued support. Here's to another great week ahead!

Warm regards


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