Prep Newsletter 27-01-2023
Newsletter - The Prep

Dear Parents / Guardians

It has been yet another busy week at the Prep at Denstone College. School photos are always exciting, and seeing our students smartly turned out always fills me with pride. Thank you to all of our parents for ensuring that the pupils were in perfect uniform with ties and blazers. I was particularly impressed this week by 5M, who led our Chapel service on Monday. I'm sure I speak for all of our staff when I say that seeing our students demonstrate such confidence makes us so impressed. Today, pupils from Oaks decided the non-uniform day would include wearing something blue for Aqua box, Oaks chosen charity, to date the total raised for Aqua box is £354.

There are some slight staffing changes this term. Mr Bettany will be away for a short time, so Mr Durston, one of the fantastic sports teachers at the College who already teaches our pupils sport, will be stepping up in Mr Bettany's absence. Mrs Scott and myself will be teaching Prep 6. Mrs Beetham has stepped in to support Mrs Henderson with drama and LAMDA this half term.

We are excited to announce the Denstone College Kids Club will be taking place at the Prep for children aged 5-11 years. Dates: 3 - 6 April. Please see the attached flyer for further details.

Prep Show Choir and Prep Chapel Choir

Denstone is holding its 150th birthday celebration on Saturday 24 June. I am delighted to say that both Prep Show Choir and Prep Chapel Choir will be getting involved in the event. The exact timings and running order of the day are yet to be confirmed, roughly between 1pm and 5pm. Please put this date in your diary as it is very important that all our prep singers are in attendance. If you see a problem with this date please could you send Mrs Dawson an email ASAP. She will be making a register of those involved and sending finer details closer to the time.

Polite reminder

When dropping off or collecting your child from the Prep, please park safely away from the zebra crossings.


  • Main Prep Poetry Competition
  • 2024/2025 Term Dates
  • Prep 5&6 PSHE Consent
  • Kids Club Flier

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