Prep Newsletter - 26-05-2023
Newsletter - The Prep

Dear Prep Parents and Guardians,

We have had an eventful time here at the Prep, with our highlight being the fabulous production of "Beauty and the Beast" put on by our talented college pupils. It was a truly enchanting experience for all who attended, showcasing the incredible talent and hard work of our young performers. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to everyone involved in bringing this magical production to life at Denstone College.  

On Wednesday we welcomed our new (September 2023) Reception class for a wonderful, sunny Teddy Bears’ picnic in the Pre-prep garden. 

Today after school, some of our Prep 6 pupils will be participating in a cake bake to raise funds for Alzheimer's research. Each delicious cake will be available for just £1, and we encourage all pupils and parents, to support this wonderful cause by purchasing a cake. It is a fantastic opportunity for our children to engage in charitable activities and make a positive impact in our community.

Prep 4 Woodwork Workshops 

Workshops with Netty Reddish have been arranged for 12 & 14 June, visit information and consent request are now available on Evolve.

Teatime Concert – Monday 12 June at 4:30pm in the Music School 

A reminder to all that the Teatime concert is coming up in week two of next half-term. This is open to prep musicians and first and second form college musicians. All instrumental teachers have been instructed to sign up their pupils for this by Wednesday 7 June so please do have a conversation with your child and get them to chat to their teacher if they have something that is concert ready and would like to perform. This concert will be no more than 45 minutes. 

Summer Serenade – Wed 21 June at 4:30pm on the field behind the prep 

We are very excited, and I can’t believe a year has gone by, for the Summer Serenade on 21 June. The standard of performance, and the epic picnic spread from parents, made for a fantastic afternoon last year and this year we are also having a short drama performance from Prep 5 & 6 pupils. This concert is aimed at all music ensembles, soloists from Prep 6 and the short play. The music department will be setting up all afternoon but please do get a picnic spot when school ends while we sort out the ‘stage’ and then we will start at 4:30pm. Everyone is invited to come and watch.

Denstone 150th Big Birthday Celebration Tickets

It is just a month until our Big Birthday! Find out more in our Old Denstonian Newsletter and book tickets here - Click here to book Big Birthday Tickets

Wishing you all a restful and enjoyable half term. We look forward to seeing the children back at school on 5 June, refreshed and ready for the final stretch of the academic year. 

Best Wishes,



Please see the Parent Portal for the following attachments

  • Michaelmas 2023 Bus Service
  • Hartley House Chapel Service

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