Prep Newsletter - 23-06-2023
Newsletter - The Prep

Dear Prep Parents and Guardians,

As we fast approach the end of another incredible academic year, there are still plenty of exciting events and celebrations lined up at the Prep.

Firstly, a huge round of applause goes to our talented pupils who captivated us with their outstanding performances during the Summer Serenade. Their dedication and hard work truly paid off, as they showcased their talents in acting, musical instruments, and singing. The sun eventually beamed upon us, and it was a joyous occasion that was thoroughly enjoyed by all.

Looking ahead, a reminder for Thursday, 29 June, as it's Sports Day! The excitement and competitive spirit will be in the air as our pupils showcase their athletic abilities. The event will kick off at 1:30 PM, and we kindly request you to bring your own chairs and picnic baskets. Let's hope the sun continues to shine on us, and may the day be filled with thrilling sporting achievements. Please check that all pupils do have sports kit in school.

Lastly, a reminder that all parents are invited to our end-of-term assembly on Friday, 30 June, starting at 9:00 am in the Drill Hall. This is a special occasion where we come together to celebrate the achievements of our remarkable pupils. We encourage you to join us and share in the pride and joy of this memorable occasion. Please contact Mrs Heron [email protected] to confirm your place.

With just one day to go, we look forward to seeing many of you at The Big Birthday tomorrow; a brilliant day to come together to showcase what Denstone means – one big, happy community.

T Davies

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