Prep Newsletter - 30-06-2023
Newsletter - The Prep

Dear Prep Parents and Guardians,

I hope this newsletter finds you well. It has been a busy and exciting week at The Prep. We started with the 150th birthday celebrations on Saturday, followed by Sports Day and the End of Term Assembly. Next week promises to be even busier, especially for our Prep 6 pupils. 

On Tuesday, we will have the Leavers' Dinner Reception for Prep 6 students and parents. On Thursday, we have the Prep 6 Leavers' Service in Chapel. Parents, please gather in the lodge from 0830 to be escorted to Chapel for the service which begins at 0840.

Friday is Speech Day. Parents attending are welcome to join me in the cricket pavilion for refreshments from 10.30 before being seated in the Sports Hall ready for an 11.15 start.  If you have not already done so please contact Mrs Heron [email protected]  to confirm your attendance.

Please note that there will be no after-school clubs in the last week. On Friday, we will say goodbye to Prep 6 at 1230 and the rest of the Prep pupils can be picked up at 1330 from The Prep. Pupils taking the school coaches will be supervised until coaches leave at 1730.

Finally, the new uniform from School Blazer is now available online. Please refer to the FAQs for more information.

Thank you for your support throughout the year. We look forward to celebrating the achievements of our pupils in the upcoming week.

Please see the Parent Portal for the following attachments

•           Uniform FAQ’S

Warm regards,

Tracey Davies


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