Prep Newsletter - 22 09 2023
Newsletter - The Prep


Dear Parents and Guardians,

We hope you enjoyed our Meet and Greet event this week. It was a wonderful opportunity for your children to proudly showcase their classrooms and for you to meet their teachers.

House Charities

Our pupils have voted and decided on house charities. Oaks have chosen Staffordshire Wildlife Trust; Beeches will support Rainbows Hospice and Cedars will back Scropton Riding Centre. It is important and heart-warming to see our pupils thinking of others.  Thank you for supporting today’s non-uniform day which raised £175 for the Staffordshire Wildlife Trust.

After School Clubs 

Please note that the Sports Hall is not available to us on Wednesday 27 September, therefore there will be no climbing wall on this day.  As always your child is welcome to stay in Prep until you are able to collect.

MacMillan Coffee Afternoon

We will be holding our MacMillan Coffee Afternoon on Friday 29 September from 2.30-3.30 in The Prep Hall.  We would be very grateful for donations of cakes that we can sell at this event and ask that they be brought into school on Friday morning.  Nut free cakes only please.  Parents, carers and visitors are warmly invited to join us. 

Open Day

Just a quick reminder that our Open Day is on Saturday, 30 September. Prep 6 Pupils and families are welcome to attend, please sign up here:

We would like pupils from Reception to Prep 5 to attend the Prep in school uniform. If your child is unable to make this event, please email Helen Heron or myself.

Prep Tea Concert

The Prep Tea Concert will take place on 2 October at 1630.  We are very excited to be holding this concert in a new venue, The School Room in the Main College. Parents of the children who will be performing will receive an email shortly with more details. If, however, you would like to attend without a child performing (which we do encourage) then we ask for you to arrive at the lodge from 4pm onwards.

Emergency Transport

For those utilising our school bus service, please note the transport emergency number: 07599 976163. Keep it handy for urgent situations.

The Big Birthday Party & Old Denstonian Updates: Who joined us for The Big Birthday Party? We now have a gallery full of images from the event, from fun runs to full band performances, we covered it all. You can view the images here, as well as finding out more about our Old Denstonian news and events.

Best regards,

Tracey Davies

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