Prep Newsletter - 15-09-2023
Newsletter - The Prep

Head of Prep: Week 2 Newsletter

Dear Parents and Guardians,

We are thrilled to see pupils settling into the daily rhythm of Prep school life, happily bouncing into school each morning. Here are some important updates for the weeks ahead:

Catering - We have revamped our servery, offering beautiful meals in a calm Dining Room atmosphere.

Transport - Please note for transport services, contact [email protected] for all inquiries and requests.

After School Clubs - Please note that there will be no afterschool clubs on Monday 18 September or Friday 22 September due to the Informal Meet and Greet, and Exeat weekend.  Prep will be available until 1800 as usual on both of these days.  For parents of new starters, please be aware that school coaches leave early at 1630 on the Friday of Exeat weekends.

PTFA AGM - The Prep has its own PTFA whose main aim is to organise social events throughout the year for the pupils to enjoy. Any funds that we raise are used to fund extra trips, visits or fun items of kit for the school. We are a separate body to the senior college group ‘Denstone Parent Events’, who focus more on charity fundraising events for parents and older pupils.  We will be holding our AGM on Monday 25 September after morning drop off at 0830 at Denstone Hall Farm Shop and would love to see some new faces. We promise no pressure to get involved any more than you are comfortable with! It is also a great way to meet other parents and a good excuse for a coffee and a tasty breakfast! 

Cupcake Friday - The PTFA will be welcoming in the first exeat weekend on Friday 22nd September with a cupcake Friday stall at 1545. We would love your donations of shop-bought cakes, which can be dropped with Helen Heron on the Friday morning. Denstone is a nut free school and there are various children in school with allergies, so we kindly ask you to ensure that there are no nut ingredients listed.  Please send your child in with £1 if you would like them to be able to buy a cake - children staying late will get the opportunity to buy a cake before going into prep.

Non-uniform Day - Friday 22 September is also non-uniform day for our House charities. Children can bring a voluntary donation and wear home clothes for the day. 

Uniform Recycling - We have partnered with Avena to ensure any disused uniforms are repurposed in an entirely environmentally friendly way. If you have redundant uniform, please do bring this (clean and in a plastic bag) to the Lodge and this will be collected by Avena. Uniform is repurposed into insulation fabrics and will not reach a landfill.

Pre-Prep morning drop off - A gentle reminder to please drop your child at the Pre-Prep gates between 8-8.20am.  A member of staff will assist your child with bags into the changing rooms.  Children arriving after 8.20am, please use The Prep main entrance and register your child with  Mrs Heron.

Warm regards,


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