The Prep Newsletter - 29-09-2023
Newsletter - The Prep

Head of Prep: Week 4 Newsletter


Dear Parents and Guardians,

I hope this message finds you well. I had the privilege of attending the Head of Prep conference in Liverpool at the beginning of this week. A resonating message from the conference was that at the heart of our sector are young people who look to us to keep them front and centre.

In Prep news, Prep 5 pupils organised a fantastic Macmillan Coffee Afternoon today, thank you for your support and generous donations.

Registration of Siblings

If you have a younger sibling who intends to join us next academic year, please do not assume that we know they will be joining us.  To that end, we ask that you register with admissions.

Professional Pupil Photographs

At the start of the year we took photographs of Prep pupils and you will receive an email with a link to buy digital or physical copies of these professional photos. Later this year we wish to extend the invite to families who wish to have a professional photo of their child or children both individually and together in school uniform. Photoshoots themselves will be free and we will offer the choice to purchase digital or physical copies of the photos. We will announce more about this soon.  For the Prep we also plan to do the end of year informal photographs if you wish to wait until then.

Parent Academic Guide for Parents

This document provides an overview of the key academic dates, events and processes for 2023/24. You will find information and guidance here on academic matters including assessments, reporting schedules and parents’ evenings, key academic dates throughout the year. 

Denstone College Park Run Challenge

This week we launched the Denstone College Park Run Challenge. If you are unfamiliar with the Park Run movement, please do take a look online. Throughout the course of this academic year we urge all children, siblings of children and parents of children to engage in Park Runs whenever possible. This could be taking part in Junior 2k runs, full family 5k runs or acting as volunteers. Every time any member of your family partakes in a run (obviously in exeats and holidays only for certain year groups), please do submit a screenshot of your result to [email protected] - every entry counts towards a grand Prep total and results will be published monthly. As soon as any individual runner completes five runs or volunteer sessions, they will receive a free bespoke 'Denstone College Park Run Challenge' t-shirt.  The Park Run movement embraces so many of our core values, promotes positive wellbeing in both personal fitness and community belonging and we want the Denstone Community to be out and about.

Open Morning

Just a quick reminder that our Open Morning is tomorrow. We would like pupils from Reception to Prep 5 to attend the Prep in school uniform from 1045-1200. If your child is unable to make this event, please email Helen Heron or myself.

Teatime Concert

We will be holding this year's first Teatime Concert on Monday 2 October in the School Room in the Main School at 16.30. Mrs John is very much looking forward to experiencing her first concert with you all as Head of Music. Most important of all, we hope the children performing will come away with a truly memorable experience. On arrival after 1600 you will be greeted at the Main Lodge and escorted to the reception area outside the School Room. The concert will last no longer than an hour.

Non-Uniform Day

Please mark your calendars for next Friday, 6 October, as it is a non-uniform day. We kindly ask children to bring in a donation for Cedars’ chosen charity, Scropton Riding Centre.  As it is Exeat weekend, there will be no clubs but Prep will be available until 1800 as usual. Please be aware that school coaches will leave early at 1630.

Harvest Festival

Pre-Prep will be leading the Harvest Festival in Chapel on Monday 16 October.  All are warmly invited to join us for this service and ask that you arrive in The Lodge from 0835 where you will be greeted by Reverend Darren.  Donations this year will be shared with Burton HOPE, YMCA Derby & Renew Church Foodbank Uttoxeter.  We would be most grateful if your child could bring in any of the following, to help with our Harvest collection for these worthwhile causes

Baby food / biscuits / cereals / dried pasta / instant coffee / long-life fruit juice / long-life milk / microwaveable puddings / pasta sauces / rice / shower gel / snack bars / tea bags / tinned fruit / tinned meat and fish / tinned puddings / tinned soup / tinned vegetables / toiletries / toilet rolls/ vegetarian options.  Unfortunately, the foodbank is not able to store fresh or chilled items. Small packets and tins are preferred, if possible, please. 

Please could we ask that your child brings in their Harvest donation by Friday 13 October, ready for our Harvest assembly on Monday 16th. Main Prep donations to be left with Mrs Heron and Pre-Prep donations with Mrs Clews.  Any queries, please just ask a member of the Pre-Prep team.  Many thanks in advance for anything you are able to give.   

Lastly, Parents' Evening is fast approaching on 12th October, taking place in the Drill Hall. You will be able to book your slots online at the following link from 5th October at 08:20.

Best regards,

Head of the Prep

Tracey Davies

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