The Prep Newsletter 02-02-2024
Newsletter - The Prep

Lent Term Week 4 Head of Prep Newsletter

Dear Parents/ Guardians

This week at the Prep, we have been focusing on an important theme - looking after our mental health. In our Prep 5&6 well-being lessons, led by Rev. Darren, pupils have taken the first steps towards becoming our Mental Health Champions. It's an exciting initiative that promotes mental wellness among our pupils.

Our Eco Committee met this week, guided by Mrs. Emmerson Friend, and our Eco pupils. Mrs. Turner, our H&S expert at school, also supported the meeting. Pupils discussed how to improve our energy usage within the Prep. Sustainability is key, and we're committed to making positive changes.

Mrs. Scott and I, have been busy visiting other Prep schools, keeping updated on academic developments in the Prep school world.


We are delighted to report successful Hockey and Netball fixtures this week, thanks to our dedicated Games staff.

Immunisation Updates

We have been advised of a prevalence of cases of measles in the local area. If your child has not been fully vaccinated, it is not too late to do so. Please do get in touch with your local GP or email our medical team on [email protected] who will be able to advise on how to achieve this.

Use of Social Media

I would urge parents, especially of Prep 6 pupils, to monitor their child's social media use particularly on any chat groups to ensure it is safe and the language used appropriate. Parents should also be mindful of the age restrictions in place for social media platforms.



This summer the College will be launching our annual recruitment campaign for invigilators.  We extend this invitation to the wider Denstone community. If you might be able to offer some time invigilating exams or providing reading or scribing skills to those children with access arrangements at the College, then please do email [email protected] who will provide more information on how to apply.


Teatime Concert – Tuesday 6 February

Tuesday's Teatime concert begins with welcome drinks from 1600 in the main entrance to the Prep School.  The concert will begin at 1615 and is due to last about 45 minutes.  This concert will be performers from Reception to Prep 3 and promises to be a very special moment from such young performers.  All are welcome to attend and you will be emailed with further details about your performer over the weekend.  After-school clubs will continue as usual on this afternoon.  Please note the following instructions for pupil pick up. From 1545 until 1715, due to the main entrance being used for the concert, if you are picking up your child from Reception to Year 2 please use your usual morning drop off entrance only (Left hand side of the school).  If you are picking up from Prep 4-6 then please use the right-hand entrance to the school.  Please do not use the main doorbell at this time so as not to disturb the concert.  There will be sixth form students on duty to guide you to the relevant places during this time.

Cupcake Friday -16 February

The PTFA will be running a Cupcake Friday stall on the last day of this half-term, Friday 16 February at 1545. They would like to ask for donations of shop bought, ’nut-free’ cakes to be dropped off with Helen Heron on the Friday morning. Your support for these events is really appreciated and all money raised is used directly to fund Prep school projects for your children. You will hopefully start to see blooms of colour around the school grounds from the Spring daffodils, which were purchased by the PTFA and planted by pupils during outdoor learning lessons with Mrs Emmerson-Friend.

Do remember that the Prep will close early on Friday 16 February for half term.  Children can be picked up from 1545, there will be no after school clubs and after school care will close at 1630. School transport will leave at the earlier time of 1630.

Thank you for your continued support.

Warm regards

Tracey Davies

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